You Can Consolidate Your Credit Card Debt, Even With Bad Credit
Because of this, it really isn't that amazing that many people are trying to find a way to consolidate credit card debt.
Before the usual consumer looks for assistance, their situation has become so desperate that they are beyond help.
It takes the normal consumer several billing cycles of non-payment or late payments before they realize that their credit card debt is a dire situation.
And this, of course, lowers the consumer's credit score.
Unfortunately, this makes it even harder to get a local bank or another credit card company to approve the consolidation because their credit score is too low.
Consumers would be wise to examine some not do obvious options at this point.
There are solutions available, including consolidating your credit card debt without opening a new line of credit, getting a new credit card or even applying for a new loan.
This approach allows you to take control of your unsecured debt, while reorganizing your finances.
Many non-profit organizations have been created with the specific goal of helping consumers repay their unsecured debts.
One of the best services they offer is taking over communications with the people to whom you owe money; you don't have to deal with embarrassing collection calls and rude individuals demanding payment anymore.
Step one is to realize you need the help and then reach out to one of these non-profit organizations.
When you contact them, they'll need some data from you to assess your situation.
This is usually just a list of the companies to whom you owe money, the monthly payments, and what your balances are for each.
The organization then consolidates your debt within their own set-up.
The non-profit organizations usually have already forged relationships with the credit card companies you owe money to.
When working through a non-profit organization, you may see reductions in your interest rates, smaller monthly payments, and sometimes even a complete dissolution of some of your principal balance.
It might seem like an impossible dream, but it is reality.
Providing a "socially beneficial" service to our communities is important to the non-profit organizations; many of them have been around for over ten years' time.
The organization will let you know what your total monthly payment will be after they've dealt with all the steps they must take.
You simply send your payment, one per month, to the non-profit organization, and they take care dispensing the funds to all the people to whom you owed the money.
You have successfully found a means to consolidate debt, even with a very low credit score or very poor credit, and you no longer have to deal with the credit card companies.
It is of paramount importance that, if you want to consolidate your credit card debt, you immediately take action.
If your accounts are too far-gone, if they've been placed in some sort of legal status, not even a non-profit organization can help.
Therefore, if you find yourself looking for an option that is safe, legal, and highly effective to help with your credit card debt, consider this kind of consolidation.