How to Energise Yourself for an Uninspiring Day
When you are facing a day with lots of things on your to do list that you don't really want to do or which take away time from what you really want to be doing it can make you feel resistant and drained of energy.
This is not a good way to start the day and not a good recipe for success.
So, how do you energise yourself for an uninspiring day? Here are 5 quick tips: 1.
Start with a positive Start your day doing something that you do want to do or that makes you feel excited or positive.
Often, we've gotten so caught up in 'busy-ness' that we struggle to think of things that do make us feel good.
If this is the case make it a priority to set aside a lunch break or evening to write a list of things that make you smile and make you feel excited.
The list should include short time duration options as well as longer time duration options eg listening to your favourite music on headphones as you walk to the office, reading an extract from an inspirational book, watching a short inspirational or comedy video on YouTube (save some in favourites for quick access), having a hug with your partner, shooting some hoops or going for a walk in nature.
Do a Re-frame Re-frame the undesirable tasks - somehow attach them to things you do like or desire.
Find something about them to get you excited eg if it's a phone call you don't really want to make visualise an exciting outcome from it.
How can doing the task you don't really want to do take you closer to goals you have? 3.
Feel the Music Play mind enhancing music while you work eg classical music or brain-entrainment music.
Take frequent mini breaks Mini-breaks are great for helping you relax and refocus.
Often a solution to a problem you've been working on will come easily if you take a short break.
Mini-break ideas include going for a quick walk, sitting down with a cup of tea, stretching or reading something inspirational (or something entertaining and mindless).
Acknowledge each task completed Focus on what you have done rather than what is still to do.
Take a moment at the completion of a task to be thankful that it is done, before turning your attention to the next item on your to do list.
Focusing on what you have already achieved helps you to feel positive and successful and gives you energy to tackle the next task.
Energising yourself about a day filled with tasks that don't inspire you basically comes down to choosing an empowering perspective and peppering your day with moments that make you smile.
It's not what you do that makes you happy, it's how you view what you do.
This is not a good way to start the day and not a good recipe for success.
So, how do you energise yourself for an uninspiring day? Here are 5 quick tips: 1.
Start with a positive Start your day doing something that you do want to do or that makes you feel excited or positive.
Often, we've gotten so caught up in 'busy-ness' that we struggle to think of things that do make us feel good.
If this is the case make it a priority to set aside a lunch break or evening to write a list of things that make you smile and make you feel excited.
The list should include short time duration options as well as longer time duration options eg listening to your favourite music on headphones as you walk to the office, reading an extract from an inspirational book, watching a short inspirational or comedy video on YouTube (save some in favourites for quick access), having a hug with your partner, shooting some hoops or going for a walk in nature.
Do a Re-frame Re-frame the undesirable tasks - somehow attach them to things you do like or desire.
Find something about them to get you excited eg if it's a phone call you don't really want to make visualise an exciting outcome from it.
How can doing the task you don't really want to do take you closer to goals you have? 3.
Feel the Music Play mind enhancing music while you work eg classical music or brain-entrainment music.
Take frequent mini breaks Mini-breaks are great for helping you relax and refocus.
Often a solution to a problem you've been working on will come easily if you take a short break.
Mini-break ideas include going for a quick walk, sitting down with a cup of tea, stretching or reading something inspirational (or something entertaining and mindless).
Acknowledge each task completed Focus on what you have done rather than what is still to do.
Take a moment at the completion of a task to be thankful that it is done, before turning your attention to the next item on your to do list.
Focusing on what you have already achieved helps you to feel positive and successful and gives you energy to tackle the next task.
Energising yourself about a day filled with tasks that don't inspire you basically comes down to choosing an empowering perspective and peppering your day with moments that make you smile.
It's not what you do that makes you happy, it's how you view what you do.