Stop Dog Biting - Training at a Puppy Stage Can Make a Big Difference in Your Pet"s Natural Behavior
It is easiest to stop dog biting while your pet is still a puppy by including it in his obedience training; and being aware of games and circumstances that may lead to biting behavior.
Dogs do have the natural instinct to bite, but only in defense.
Much as there are circumstances that may lead to aggressive behavior in them also, this is still due to their defensive nature.
Basically the law of nature still reigns in their veins as animals.
It is up to us owners to tame this natural behavior.
Starting at the puppy stage, define the line between what is considered a good or bad behavior.
Stop dog biting at puppy stage by teaching him the consequence of biting.
Follow these pointers to train your puppy not to bite and in general, have good behavior.
Remember that part of your responsibility as owner is to train your dog to be socially acceptable in the human world.
Dogs do have the natural instinct to bite, but only in defense.
Much as there are circumstances that may lead to aggressive behavior in them also, this is still due to their defensive nature.
Basically the law of nature still reigns in their veins as animals.
It is up to us owners to tame this natural behavior.
Starting at the puppy stage, define the line between what is considered a good or bad behavior.
Stop dog biting at puppy stage by teaching him the consequence of biting.
Follow these pointers to train your puppy not to bite and in general, have good behavior.
- Never hit or shout at your puppy.
Hitting triggers defense, not aggression.
It is natural to defend oneself when hurt by another, using this line of reasoning with dogs, when you hit him or shout at him, he would feel threatened.
When he is threatened he will of course defend himself by barking or biting.
This behavior pattern will be instilled in him, so much so that when someone shouts or makes a loud noise, accidentally hit him or pose a stance that he would read as a hitting posture; he will bite. - Avoid playing tag war or any game that can trigger aggression.
Tag war games trigger aggression associated with territorial or possessive nature of the dog.
Pushing and pulling would anger him, and let's be honest; a growling pup is kind of cute.
But growling should not be tolerated and stop giving him reasons to be angry. - Biting for puppies is natural, instinctive and their way of exploring their surroundings.
He played biting games with his siblings while still with them and his mother.
And he will expect that from you, his new family to play that game too.
To curtail the urge for the game, give him the valuable lesson that biting too hard or biting means out of the game.
While playing with him; when he bites, let out a yelp whether the bite hurt or not, then turn your back and ignore him.
Make this last only for a few minutes, puppies tend to be distracted easily and will surely forget about the lesson if it lasts more than 3 to 5 minutes. - Never put your puppy in isolation like conditions like cages and chaining; leaving him in these conditions for long hours.
Naturally born social animals like dogs need the interaction of other dogs and humans.
Isolation would trigger defensive stance because he would be unfamiliar in dealing with you or other humans and dogs alike.
Remember that part of your responsibility as owner is to train your dog to be socially acceptable in the human world.