How to Plant a Tree in Memory of a Dog
Things You'll Need
1Choose a location for the memorial tree. Locate a place that played some role in the dog's life, such as a spot near the place where the dog loved to sleep or along the path of a regular dog walk. Decide whether the tree will grow in the family yard or in a local park. If a park is chosen for the tree, contact local officials about the requirements for planting a tree.
Decide on a tree. A shade tree, an evergreen or a flowering tree are the standard options for a memorial tree. Trees are generally more expensive, because they are usually larger than other tree plantings. A local nursery is a handy source for choosing the memorial tree.
Wait until spring to plant the memorial tree. The ground will not be frozen, and the survival rate for the tree increases when planted at this time of the year.
Gather everyone who would like to participate in the memorial tree planting. Some people wish to spread the dog's ashes at the bottom of the hole when planting the tree, so the tree planting itself can also be a memorial time.
To plant the tree, begin by digging a hole. The hole needs to be as deep as the root ball and twice as wide. It is important to make the hole the correct size. Sprinkle the ashes, is desired.
Place the tree in the hole and fill it in with loose dirt. Pack the dirt down with the shovel or feet to be sure there are no air pockets.
Water the new tree well. Soak the ground around the tree to insure the roots get wet. Place a memorial plaque or sign at the base of the tree if you wish.