A Day In The Life Of An Affiliate Marketer
So with all this technology at your grasp. I am going to describe €A day in a Affiliate Marketers World€
But let's do two versions to make it more interesting, OK:
First Scenario: €The Veteran Marketer: A success Story€
You wake up in the morning, get your coffee or tea, have some breakfast after pushing the start button on your computer and sit down to begin your day of work. First you check your sales for the day and smile. You head over to clickbank to see whats new and if will fit in your schedule. You build a few campaigns and do your magic to begin the promotion sequence. Having been successful for awhile you know how to setup your programs with ease. Then off to writing a few articles on the new products. Submission to ezine, goarticles and then one for your new site. Stumbit, technaroti, digg it, squido, mahalo, del.icio.us and diigo have been done. A possible ad on google product search. Some back links from myspace, facebook and Hi5. Then post your articles to your site for the next week using your scheduler in wordpress or blogger.
Now for the hard part. Sit back or go shopping while your ads make you money. This is the affiliate marketers dream. To find that technique, that program or that strategy that works 100% of the time. Unfortunately, it is few and far between and it takes a lot more work than this.
Second Scenario: €The Average Affiliate Marketer: A work in progress€
1. Everything from above +++++
2. Working and Reworking your site design. As a marketer you know that a well designed site will increase your sign ups, increase your conversion rate and build your business into a money making system.
3. Place your products into your site and add your links to them either with a redirect or opt-in with a redirect. In some cases You may want to cloak your url but it's not recommended or necessary because there is always something you can do to make it work.
4. Getting your host and setting up putting your site design into it.
5. Next, keyword research and implementation. Inputting keywords into your text body and site title making it search engine friendly. Which will also increase your page rank.
6. Next, write something about yourself or company (if needed for your niche) making sure to be professional. At this point I would spell check everything in case you haven't along the way. Very important to spell check.
7. Your site is now built. Time for advertising or promoting and creating back links. Submitting your affiliate campaigns sites to sites that will increase your traffic is great but not quite enough. Creating mega back links is much more work than just submitting to directories. A list of a few are in the beginning of this article e.g. There are lots of resources to sort out. Ads, banners, button ads and sample recommendations to give out because the marketer knows that this is one way of ensuring more sales. Best to stay visible and accessible too.
8. Article writing. A must to increase traffic to your site. Article submission. Blogs. All aimed at your site with a link.
9. Setup a special email for each niche or for your online store. Setup an auto responder with a thank you respond or a reply respond to answer questions at a later time about your products. Answering emails is very important. You don't want to leave your customers or readers hanging. To show that you, the affiliate, are doing your job effectively and efficiently, inquiries would have to be paid more attention to. Keeps the professionalism going.
10. Keeping track of your traffic and sales are very important. An accurate tracking system will let you know where your refferals are coming from, the conversion rate and which products are doing well.
11. While all this is going on, the affiliate should be surfing forums or chat rooms talking to people to see if their niche is suitable for the people here. Also hit the affiliate sites like forum - digitalpoint or forum €" eWealth to learn about new strategies and techniques.
There are things to be learned and it is a continuous process. Sharing tips and advices is a good way of showing support. There may be others out there wanting to join and may be enticed by the discussion that is going on. There is no harm in assuming what opportunities ahead.
12. The newsletters for your consumers are great after you establish a email list. Time to check the news to see if there are any new articles or writeups about your niche or topic so you can write about it and submit some more articles.
13. Testimonials on your page are great and it also make your customers feel appreciated to see their name up on your site and they may increase your sales by mentioning you to friends and colleagues or even putting a link to your site on theirs.
14. Also publish this testimonials in your newsletter you send out.
15. Make comments on your customers pages or others pages to create a relationship with them and build a good Rapport with them.
16. Time to go to bed, you have been at this for 12+ hours and you missed lunch and dinner€¦lol€¦not really but it is a long day for awhile. Wake up tomorrow and repeat it all again. And then eventually your business will start working for you and you will be able to have the first scenario.
Well, good luck in all your endeavors. Peace and GOD speed my friends.