Neptune Into Pisces - The Calm Before The Storm

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- Neptune rules the oceans and does not respect boundaries and structures, so I anticipate changes in our earth caused by flooding, tsunamis, hurricanes and changing weather patterns.
The coastlines that we now see will be dramatically changed with some parts of our world dropping into the sea and other parts seeing land rise out of the ocean.
This is already happening as the recent earthquakes have shown movements of land masses in Chile and Japan.
- The travel industry will undergo massive upheaval as Neptune rules oil, and we are fast running out of oil and it is rising in price astronomically, not to mention the damage we are doing to our planet with our use of fossil fuels.
- We will see many existing financial institutions fail, financial structures disappear, insurance companies unable to cover losses from disasters around the world.
- Thousands if not millions will lose their wealth in the twinkling of an eye digitally as we see more undercover operations to hack into sites such as PayPal, Amazon, Facebook.
Huge companies will go down, even those with blue chip status, even the whole internet may be destroyed in a sun flare or a huge power outage that affects transformers worldwide.
This is not too far-fetched to happen.
Look at the fact that over 4 million people were without power in Japan recently.
- Neptune rules drugs and pharmaceuticals, so expect to see shortages of drugs and medicines.
There may well be new innovations in medicine but they probably won't be accessible to the everyday person for many years to come.
- As Neptune rules water, we'll see crises in water and the lack of clean drinking water, issues with polluted water.
- Fear of epidemics and unknown diseases as Neptune rules infectious illnesses.
The likelihood of an epidemic or even a pandemic.
- Chaos, a lack of leadership and direction.
Although dictatorship governments will be toppled, no clear leaders will appear to bring in new structures.
We have seen this with Egypt where demonstrations for democracy have taken place, old leaders deposed, but no one to fill their place with new, practical plans.
- Lack of direction once the structures are removed and chaos until Saturn goes into Capricorn and joins Pluto in Capricorn 2018 - Social unrest because Neptune ignores structure On the positive side we will see: - Changes in visual perceptions and many may be able to see auras and energy forms - An opportunity to increase your intuitive abilities - Our perceptions of time will change and we won't see it in such a linear way.
It will be more encompassing and have less rigidity than it does now.
- Mind-reading and telepathy will increase, especially if our regular systems of communication go down we will have to develop our mental abilities to communicate with one another.
- We will benefit from spending more time in quiet and silence.
Some people will totally withdraw from society during this period.
- There will be a gradual awakening to the connectedness between us all and a diminishing focus on materialism.
- The arts will have many innovations especially in music, painting, dance, drama, film, photography and fashion.
- We'll see the exploration of uncharted lands and planets.
- New types of banking systems will emerge or we may not even have a banking system at all.
- There will be innovations in transportation as the airline industry will be hit by the depletion of oil.
- Our psychic potential develops and we will become more adept at healing with the mind, using magnetism and crystals.
- Spiritually there could be an awakening focused on hope, vision and creativity.
What can you do proactively to make the best of this time? - Find out where in your chart this transit of Neptune is and see which life area will be profoundly affected in the next 14 years.
- Try to face the unpleasant things in your life - don't try to escape from reality.
- Become aware of your negative thoughts, prejudices, dislikes, - don't feel guilty about them, but your awareness will give you a head start at being able to change them.
- Try to grow some of your own food, a small garden - Learn how to be self sufficient - Work for a charity, volunteer your time with people less fortunate than you - Awaken your healing abilities in your own body and then learn about natural healing to help others - Stock up on any prescription drugs you need and get spare pairs of eyeglasses if you use them - Get out of debt and don't take on any new debt - If you live near the coast, consider moving further inland - Meditate on the higher vibrations of love pray for world peace and an end to human suffering on this planet.
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