Decoding Destiny - The Deciphering Power of Numerology
The Genetic code houses DNA secrets of life.
The Periodic Table houses the codes of all known 118 chemical elements and their atomic structures.
Morse code transmits textual information through a series of dots and dashes expressed by either sound, light, taps or clicks.
There is the Universal Product Code, a system of bar codes designating product prices and features.
Vehicle parts have codes, cities have building codes and so forth.
But what about destiny? Does it house a secret structure of communication, a Code of Destiny? If so, can that code be broken? The answer is, yes.
To decode something is to extract its meaning.
Our destinies have a definite code, and the secret to breaking that code is to understand the components of our full birth name and birth date, the letters and numbers creating them, as well as their varying combinations.
Our destinies are complex, containing multiple layers of energy, much like the layers of an onion.
No one number or destiny component can define who or what we are, and what we are is basically an interwoven tapestry of collective and varying energies.
Some energies in our destiny tapestry harmonize and blend, some energies are antagonistic and clash, just as some colors blend well together and others do not, or as some musical notes blend while others clash.
The issue of importance is that each of our destinies is individual and unique to us.
No two people are the same; no two destines are the same.
In this we are each very special.
Major components of the Code of Destiny are: 1.
The letters of our full birth name 2.
Our full name as a whole 3.
The single names comprising our full birth name 4.
The vowels of our birth name 5.
The consonants of our birth name 6.
Our birth date as a whole 7.
The separate numbers of our day, month and year of birth 8.
The combination of our name plus our birth date 9.
Combinations of the natal (birth) data by addition 10.
Combinations of the natal (birth) data by subtraction 11.
Our age 12.
Our age in months only 13.
Our natal calendar year 14.
Linkage 15.
Stacking 16.
Master numbers 17.
Voids 1.
The letters of our full name Letters are more than literary characters.
They are, more precisely, symbols for specific energy fields akin to the pieces of a puzzle.
Each letter is associated with a number and represents both a timeline of action and characteristics specific to it.
When placed in certain arrangements (names), these letters create certain destinies.
Our full name as a whole (Expression) Our names are not random.
Nothing is happenstance in this universe.
There is a divine design to all things and our names are no exception.
Although we think of our names as being given by our parents, in the higher sense they are given through our parents by a divine power, a power that has formulated our destiny through a specific set of universal laws, karma (the field of action and reaction) being one of those laws.
The names-these energetic puzzles-contain much of the framework of our fate.
Our full name is referred to as our Expression.
It houses all of our assets and liabilities as a person.
The single names comprising our full name The single names comprising our full birth name are their own puzzles.
Basically, our full birth names are a large puzzle housing smaller puzzles within it (single names), created by letters which are the smallest parts of the puzzle of the entire name.
Therefore, our names are a puzzle (letters) within a puzzle (individual names) within yet another puzzle (the full birth name).
The vowels of our birth name (Soul and Material Soul) Each of our basic needs, wants, desires and motivations are determined by the vowels in our full name at birth.
The vowels are: A-E-I-O-U-Y.
The numeric value of the vowels in our name constitutes our Soul.
Add the Lifepath to the Soul and the Material Soul is created.
Thus, there are two layers of desire energy in each of us.
The consonants of our birth name (Nature and Material Nature) Our personality and manner of doing things are determined by the consonants in our name.
Like the Soul and Material Soul, the consonants create a Nature and a Material Nature, the latter being a mixture of the Nature and Lifepath.
Our birth date as a whole (Lifepath) The numbers associated with the day, month and year of our birth when added together comprise a major part of our Code of Destiny called the Lifepath, the script of our life.
Our date of birth is, like our name, no accident.
We do not have a certain destiny because we are born at a certain time, but rather we are born at a certain time because we have a certain destiny, as well as a certain name.
The numbers of our day, month and year of birth (Epochs) Taken separately, the day, month and year of our birth each posses their own timeline and characteristics.
These are called Epochs.
The combination of our name plus our birth date (Performance/Experience or PE) When the Lifepath mixes with the Expression an energy is created that becomes the role we will give in life.
This role is known as the Performance/Experience or PE for short.
Combinations of the natal data by addition (Pinnacles) When the components of the birth date are added together in certain combinations, the resulting configurations are called Pinnacles.
Like letters and names, they have their own timelines and characteristics.
Combination of the natal data by subtraction (Challenges) When the components of the birth date are subtracted from each other in certain combinations, the resulting configurations are called Challenges.
The have their own characteristics but share the same timeline as the Pinnacles.
Our age by year (Age Timeline) Our age from year-to-year is a fluid part of the destiny puzzle.
Its energies, marked by numbers and designated as the Age Timeline, have a major influence on the events, issues, problems, etc.
for the year in question.
Our age in months only (Lifetime Monthly Timeline-LMT) The total number of months of our life, counted singularly, comprise the Lifetime Monthly Timeline.
Our natal calendar year (Universal Timeline) Our natal calendar year changes as the universal calendar year changes.
The difference is that the energies of any given calendar year do not begin for us until the day of our birthday in that year.
This is called the Universal Timeline.
For a person born on January 1st, his natal calendar year will run concurrently with the calendar year.
However, a person born on the 31st of December will not begin his natal calendar year until his birthday.
Basically, he would begin his natal calendar year when the person born on January 1st would be ending his.
Linkage Linkage is the continuous occurrence of the same number, numbers or number patterns in a numerology chart.
Life linkage occurs when the numeric pattern in question begins at birth and continues uninterruptedly until death, i.
, for the entire life of the individual.
Life linkage is often seen in the charts of famous individuals because the linking energy grows without interruption, thus allowing it to gain strength throughout the life.
Stacking Stacking is the simultaneous occurrence of the same number, numbers or number patterns in a chart.
While linkage creates continuity, stacking creates intensity.
For example, if the number 8 appeared five times in different places in a chart during a given time period, it would have greater power than only one 8 during the same period.
Master numbers Master numbers are multiple ciphers of the same single digit.
There are two digit master numbers, such as 11, 22, 33, etc.
; three digit master numbers such as 444, 555, 666, and four digit masters numbers such as 7777, 8888, 9999.
Master numbers are extremely powerful, akin to nuclear energy.
They can manifest positively or negatively.
Generally, the more master numbers in a chart, the more power the destiny will exhibit.
Voids Voids are missing numbers in the full birth name.
They are like missing wiring in a car or holes in the fabric of an individual.
For example, the letters A-J-S all equal a 1.
If a person's full name has no As, Js or Ss, then he or she would have a 1 void.
Voids are potentially problematic depending on if, when and where they occur in a chart.
It would be wise, therefore, for a person to know of any voids in his name.
When naming children, it is recommended the child's full birth name has no voids in order to increase the chances of a balanced life for the child.
Destinies and Snowflakes What do our destinies and snowflakes have in common? As snowflakes are generally the same but specifically different, so our destinies are generally alike but specifically different.
We all have a name, path in life, a role we will give in life, a desire base and personality, but the mixture of these ingredients creates a specific destiny unlike no other.
No two people could possibly have the exact same destiny unless they were born with the exact same name in the exact same moment.
Therefore, we are all unique unto ourselves.
Furthermore, we are all quite complex, as are our individual destinies.
Summary There is a Code of Destiny for each of us.
That code is contained within the letters and numbers of our full birth name and birth date.
The major components of the destiny code are discussed briefly in this article.
Although generally the same because of our human status, we are specifically different because of our numbers.
When one deciphers the codes of his name and birth date, the puzzle of his destiny will reveal itself, thus allowing him to expand his consciousness into the ever-expanding divine design of Reality.