How to Optimize Your Mobile E-Commerce Site?
However, in setting up a site, many webmasters make mistakes as they do not have experience setting up mobile-friendly websites.
This can lead to problems down the road when the site does not meet the expectations of clients.
With these four simple to follow tips, a business owner can optimize his or her mobile website.
Cut out data: With interesting and informative videos or pictures, a store can excite visitors who want to spend money on the product.
While videos and photos are excellent and unique tools to excite potential buyers, a website should tread lightly.
Some people on their smartphones do not get unlimited data and will not enjoy watching a video that costs them money to load.
Others will not have a fast connection and a video will cause pages to load slowly which will frustrate customers to no end.
Instead, with a mobile-friendly website, the programmer must strip large images and videos and opt for a refined approach.
Now, this does not mean that the creator of the website has to leave out all images; rather, when using smaller photos and leaving them out unless necessary, the pages will load quickly and the customer will not experience frustration or anger when on the website.
Shopping cart: When loading items into their cart, buyers expect to complete the job quickly and move on with their life.
When this is not the case, many visitors will leave the site without spending any money.
For this reason, when the programmer sets up the checkout pages, he or she must do a great job.
To do this, the programmer should buy mobile shopping cart software that will make everything go well for clients.
Sadly, in a bid to finish the site and move on, some programmers do not take time to build or use top-notch shopping cart software, and as a result, the conversion rates of the website suffer.
Links: When on a mobile site, a user will not have full usage of a keyboard and mouse.
This can cause frustration to a user trying to click a link and open a new window.
When keeping this in mind, a smart entrepreneur will take time to place the links in an easy to find place.
Of course, one must do more, ideally, the company should place all the important links in a header on the bottom and top.
With this, customers can, with ease, reach any essential website page such as contact us or the product pages.
To take it a step further, occasionally, the business should test all the website links and verify that none go to a 404 page.
Remember, when clicking a link, a visitor will trust that a new page will open with relevant information, and it is up to the webmaster to make sure they always work.
Test speed: A site owner should test his or her site to see how quickly the pages load.
When doing this, one can discover what slows down the website the most.
Then, the programmer can make slight modifications that speed the site up.
This is important for two reasons.
When speeding up a site, visitors will stay on the site longer.
Secondly, when the pages load quickly, Google takes notice as it is one of their metrics for determining SEO ranking.
When trying to establish and maintain a mobile site, a person should always make changes.
When doing so and keeping the site fast, a company can impress visitors and convert them into customers.