Get Rid of Gout Pain in the Foot in 2 Easy Steps
Here are 2 easy ways to get rid of gout pain in your foot.
Many gout sufferers are turning to natural remedies for gout pain in the foot.
You'll discover 2 of the most effective here.
(1) HOT / COLD COMPRESS OR SOAK By applying alternating hot and cold compresses, or, hot and cold soaks, you can relieve inflammation and pain.
Timing should be 3 minutes hot followed by 30 seconds cold.
This process aids circulation and helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
(2) BICARBONATE OF SODA DRINK Also known as baking soda, this home remedy to get rid of gout pain in the foot works in 2 ways (1) by helping to dissolve the uric acid crystals that cause your gout, and, (2) by making uric acid more soluble to aid in it's excretion from your body.
Just add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to an 8 oz glass of water and mix thoroughly.
Drink one glass before bedtime, one first thing when you get up in the morning, and one every 2 to 4 hours between meals.
Never exceed 4 teaspoons of baking soda per day.
Stop when the symptoms disappear.
And, because it is high in sodium, cut salt from your diet while you are taking it.
Also, if you suffer from high blood pressure don't use this remedy.
As always, consult your doctor first.
These two home remedies can be very effective in getting rid of gout pain in the foot, and, eliminating the symptoms.
But you need to do more...
Recurring gout attacks can lead to permanent joint damage and things like agonizing kidney stones.
Plus, after having suffered one attack of gout, you are highly likely to suffer more.
Therefore, as well as addressing the symptoms of your current gout attack, you need to do more to prevent gout attacks in the future.
Many gout sufferers are turning to natural remedies for gout pain in the foot.
You'll discover 2 of the most effective here.
(1) HOT / COLD COMPRESS OR SOAK By applying alternating hot and cold compresses, or, hot and cold soaks, you can relieve inflammation and pain.
Timing should be 3 minutes hot followed by 30 seconds cold.
This process aids circulation and helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
(2) BICARBONATE OF SODA DRINK Also known as baking soda, this home remedy to get rid of gout pain in the foot works in 2 ways (1) by helping to dissolve the uric acid crystals that cause your gout, and, (2) by making uric acid more soluble to aid in it's excretion from your body.
Just add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to an 8 oz glass of water and mix thoroughly.
Drink one glass before bedtime, one first thing when you get up in the morning, and one every 2 to 4 hours between meals.
Never exceed 4 teaspoons of baking soda per day.
Stop when the symptoms disappear.
And, because it is high in sodium, cut salt from your diet while you are taking it.
Also, if you suffer from high blood pressure don't use this remedy.
As always, consult your doctor first.
These two home remedies can be very effective in getting rid of gout pain in the foot, and, eliminating the symptoms.
But you need to do more...
Recurring gout attacks can lead to permanent joint damage and things like agonizing kidney stones.
Plus, after having suffered one attack of gout, you are highly likely to suffer more.
Therefore, as well as addressing the symptoms of your current gout attack, you need to do more to prevent gout attacks in the future.