How To Prepare Your House For Home Exchange
Insofar as proper preparation is concerned, there are appropriate and effective ways to deal with the numerous things but you need not worry about the bulk of this work load. The following tips may guide you in such preparation.
For appliances like the television set, DVD player, home alarm, stereo components, microwave oven, air-conditioners and the like, it is best to leave the respective operating manuals or instructions just beside these appliances for easy operation. This is a must especially on complicated equipment.
In your home exchange preparation, make sure that you leave enough space for drawers and cabinets which the guest family could use during their stay. Leave enough hangers in the closet. Linens are important also, making sure that there are enough bed sheets, towels, ample toilet paper, vacuum bags and trash bags. If you are leaving valuables and jewelry in the house, make sure they are kept secured in locked drawers or vaults.
An extra measure could be taken to advise the post office to hold all your mails until further notice. This way, it will not create unnecessary distraction to your guests. If you will be away for more than a week, it would be best to settle all your pending bills in the house. Of course you would not want your guest family to be burdened with your outstanding bills. Unless otherwise agreed with the guest family, you could also put your newspaper deliveries on hold.
It would also be advisable for your house exchange preparations to leave the necessary emergency numbers near your phone for use by your guest family. The list of numbers could include the local police, the fire department, ambulance services, the local doctor, and other pertinent service providers. You could also include the contact numbers of your close neighbors so that your guest family could refer any of their local concerns while staying in your home. The most important thing to leave is your own contact or mobile phone number for easy and emergency access.
It would be a good neighborly gesture to leave some foodstuffs in the refrigerator, including soda, drinking water, some bread, wine, and cheese. These items would be most appreciated especially when arriving from their travel. Make sure that your garden or lawn is also groomed properly when you leave them to your guests.