Using Salehoo With Your Website
In fact, if you want to be successful with your online wholesale or drop shipping business then it is absolutely mandatory that you are a member of Salehoo.
But like with any online business you need to think outside the box.
That is why setting up your own website to compliment your eBay sales is so important.
Setting up a website these days is easy.
There are plenty of templates out there, and a lot look good, and are free too! All you need to think about is your own branding.
It is important to create an image for your business.
While Salehoo is going to get you the products you need, and for the right price, they are not going to sell themselves.
So you need to create this sense of brand across both eBay, and your website...
Once you have this all set up, you are ready to go out and generate traffic to your site! A great way to start making sales straight away, and building on this traffic flow to your site is through, you guessed it, eBay.
With each ad placed, comes a certain amount of exposure, and at least one new customer, every time, guaranteed! You must make sure however, that you carry your website branding across to eBay, and make sure you have a link or 2 in your add, to carry customers back to your site! It can also be massively beneficial to think about paid advertising to generate traffic to your site as well.
While this does cost money, with the right guidance it can bring a seriously high flow of customers to your website and make you a lot of money!