What Can I Use to Grow Grass in Two Weeks?
- To give your lawn the best chance for growing in two weeks you need as-close-to-ideal soil conditions as possible. The best time of the year to plant a new lawn is from late August to late September, according to The Garden Helper website. The soil has been warming up all summer and is at its warmest point by the end of August. Warm soil promotes rapid germination of grass seed and causes the seed to grow faster.
- Your grass seed is going to need room to allow its roots to spread out and access to plenty of oxygen during the initial phases of growth. Use a rototiller to grind up the soil and create the ideal conditions for growing grass seed. Use a stiff rake to smooth the soil out and break up large clumps of soil and clay before planting your seed. You will also use the stiff rake to work the seed into the soil.
- The Garden Counselor Lawn Care website recommends using grass seed that will germinate quickly to get your lawn up and going in just two weeks. The two best kinds of grass seed to use are ryegrass, which germinates in five to 10 days, and fescues, which germinate in seven to 15 days.
- Prepare your soil with the proper balance of nutrients before planting your grass seed. Check the packaging of your seed to find out what pH rating will promote growth. Take a sample of your soil to a local nursery or home improvement store to have a pH test done. An ideal pH balance is 6.5. Limestone will help lower the acidic level in your lawn and sulfur will raise the level if necessary. Use only a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer after you have planted your soil to help the seed grow healthy.