Outdoor TVs Working in Outdoor Kitchens
Now we can really enjoy the summer by utilising an outdoor kitchen.
The best outdoor kitchen I have seen was a neighbours and he had a massive barbeque that ran for 10 feet that also have a refrigerator and a freeze section built into the work top along with a sink unit, the appliances were made from stainless steel and from May till September this was left out and believe me it was well used.
Just after the Holidays I got talking to him regarding the summer and he told me his plans, to put an LCD television outdoors near his outdoor kitchen, the reason (and yes I bought in to it), was that if the grandchildren are occupied the adults have a more pleasurable time, then when the children go in for a nap the adults can watch the game.
What a fantastic idea or is it a dream? You get to eat good food and share it with the ones you love, what more can a man ask for apart from watching the game at the same time.
Now dreaming is a reality, but there are a limited number of options.
The first is an outdoor waterproof television, but now due to the soccer tournament (FIFA World Cup) the demand for these outdoor televisions globally has outstripped supply and the wholesalers and distributors are not likely to get new stock until mid July when the summer will be half over.
The second option is to put a standard LCD screen into an outdoor TV case, these cases are thermostatically controlled ensuring the internal temperature is maintained no matter what the outside temperature is.
Or the third choice is to install an outdoor home cinema in your backyard but this will depend upon the size and space you have available in your backyard.