Why Marriages Collapse
The influence of frivolous lifestyle which make it difficult for couples to settle common disputes at home seem to have taken root in our fragile society. Couples can easily go to court these days to annul their marriages, even when they have got children. And this they do without minding the effect of it on their children. Today, we have a tottering society at the precipice of self destruction.
All these are the result of unfaithfulness by either the husband or the wife which has become the hallmark of many a marriage. Couples now see their marriage vows as insignificant, and consequently engage in extra marital affairs at will.
Breakdown in communication between married couples is another reason for the collapse of marriages. Successful marriages are built on effective communication between the couples. Effective communication in marriage promotes love and unity in the lives of the partners. This requires plainness, sincerity and transparency. Secrecy should be avoided and matters should be properly explained to avoid misunderstanding.
Finances are another factor that leads to the collapse of marriage relationships. Mismanagement of funds by any of the couples arising from selfish spending on personal needs or on outright frivolities at the expense of genuine family needs is unwise. Marriage is all about agreement; finance management in the home can't be an exception. Couples should agree and plan on how to spend their money.
Lack of fear of God in marriage is similar to erecting a building without taking instructions from the building engineer. Marriage is a divine institution; God is at the head of it. Successful marriage is dependent upon following the guidelines of the institutor. Â
Link: www.marriedcouplesmatters.com.