Women"s Hair Health and the Laser Hair Brush
I am so amazed at how many women are having problems with thin fine hair and just how many of those are turning to the laser hair brush to solve this problem.
Thinning hair is a problem that plagues both men and women, but because women tend to not go completely bald like men, they have not always investigated what they can do to stop and reverse this process.
Now, documented results show that, unlike other treatments, men and women of all ages respond to the positive benefits of low level laser phototherapy found in the new laser hair brush.
What Type of Costs Should I Expect to Pay? In the past, women would have to go to a salon or hair re-growth clinic to receive the laser hair treatments that we can now deliver to ourselves in the privacy of our own homes with a laser hair brush.
What concerns me as much as the hefty price tag the clinic treatments have, (ripping off vulnerable women is always a concern) is that women would have to schedule time into their busy schedule for a visit several times a week, with work or babysitting costs as well as gasoline expense added to the overall cost.
With prescription drugs or applications or surgeries, the costs (and hazards) are even more.
With the use of a system of women's nutritional vitamins that are hair health specific, sulfite free shampoo and non-build-up conditioners that we would purchase anyway and the use of a laser hair brush, the overall cost is low.
For about $400 you can purchase a system that includes the laser hair brush and a month's product.
The only additional cost is rechargeable batteries for this light weight hand held device and optimally a de-chlorinating shower filter to take harmful products from your shower water.
Any additional monthly nutritionals, shampoos or conditioners would be purchased anyway.
The best part is that there is no prescription needed, no doctor's letter, and there is confidential, fast, worldwide delivery.
A quality company will also offer a full guarantee and have easy, secure online ordering.
service levels best quality products secure online ordering.
We now have home access to the power of low level laser therapy (LLLT) to help us grow new or replace thinning hair at an affordable price.
Women's Experiences with the Laser Hair Brush System Some women I have talked to have used women's Rogaine for up to 8 months with very little success, and in some cases it has made the hair fall out more.
The laser hair brush has been successful in as little as 2-4 months in producing thicker, shinier hair and waking up the tired follicles that were clogged and not producing any hair.
Because the laser hair brush works for both men and women, we can share our secret if we choose and let the men in our lives enjoy the same benefits of thicker, healthier hair growth! One would think that women would be telling everyone about this new product, but unlike Botox parties where we revel in eradicating our wrinkles that everyone sees, thinning hair is often kept a hidden secret and "only our hairdressers know for sure".
Since the laser hair brush has helped women I know, I have encouraged them to share this fact with other women through articles of their own or by offering testimonials to the sites of their laser therapy provider (even if they do so anonymously).
I can only hope that they will as the more that this therapeutic advance is shown to get positive results, the less some women will have to suffer in silence.
How Do I Get Results? Laser hair brush manufacturers recommend using the brush three times a week, 10-15 minutes per use.
The lasers in the brush deliver healing, stimulating low level laser light to the follicles to promote the hair growth, and no prescription drugs are necessary for exceptional results, although studies have shown that use of prescription drugs for hair re-growth do not counteract the benefits of the laser therapy.
Low lever laser therapy increases micro-circulation of the follicle, which allows nutrients and freshly oxygenated blood to access the hair follicle with the results being a stimulation of the natural hair growth cycle.
As with any treatment protocol, the laser hair brush and any vitamins or hair products that support the laser therapy deliver results over time, with most users seeing results in eight-16 weeks.
By week eight, about 45% of users will have realized noticeable results in hair density, growth rate and the formation of fine hairs indicating new growth.
Between weeks eight and 16, another 45% of users will experience the same results as the early responders with thicker hair, a cessation of hair loss and positive indications of re-growth.
The best results are achieved if you have suffered your hair loss or thinning process within the past 7 years.
Not only is the process painless and safe, the results achieved for women and men are simply amazing.
You owe it to yourself to investigate this latest advance in technology.
Make sure you invest in a reputable company with an overall natural, health supported system for hair re-growth.
The laser hair brush will give you the healthy hair you deserve.
Thinning hair is a problem that plagues both men and women, but because women tend to not go completely bald like men, they have not always investigated what they can do to stop and reverse this process.
Now, documented results show that, unlike other treatments, men and women of all ages respond to the positive benefits of low level laser phototherapy found in the new laser hair brush.
What Type of Costs Should I Expect to Pay? In the past, women would have to go to a salon or hair re-growth clinic to receive the laser hair treatments that we can now deliver to ourselves in the privacy of our own homes with a laser hair brush.
What concerns me as much as the hefty price tag the clinic treatments have, (ripping off vulnerable women is always a concern) is that women would have to schedule time into their busy schedule for a visit several times a week, with work or babysitting costs as well as gasoline expense added to the overall cost.
With prescription drugs or applications or surgeries, the costs (and hazards) are even more.
With the use of a system of women's nutritional vitamins that are hair health specific, sulfite free shampoo and non-build-up conditioners that we would purchase anyway and the use of a laser hair brush, the overall cost is low.
For about $400 you can purchase a system that includes the laser hair brush and a month's product.
The only additional cost is rechargeable batteries for this light weight hand held device and optimally a de-chlorinating shower filter to take harmful products from your shower water.
Any additional monthly nutritionals, shampoos or conditioners would be purchased anyway.
The best part is that there is no prescription needed, no doctor's letter, and there is confidential, fast, worldwide delivery.
A quality company will also offer a full guarantee and have easy, secure online ordering.
service levels best quality products secure online ordering.
We now have home access to the power of low level laser therapy (LLLT) to help us grow new or replace thinning hair at an affordable price.
Women's Experiences with the Laser Hair Brush System Some women I have talked to have used women's Rogaine for up to 8 months with very little success, and in some cases it has made the hair fall out more.
The laser hair brush has been successful in as little as 2-4 months in producing thicker, shinier hair and waking up the tired follicles that were clogged and not producing any hair.
Because the laser hair brush works for both men and women, we can share our secret if we choose and let the men in our lives enjoy the same benefits of thicker, healthier hair growth! One would think that women would be telling everyone about this new product, but unlike Botox parties where we revel in eradicating our wrinkles that everyone sees, thinning hair is often kept a hidden secret and "only our hairdressers know for sure".
Since the laser hair brush has helped women I know, I have encouraged them to share this fact with other women through articles of their own or by offering testimonials to the sites of their laser therapy provider (even if they do so anonymously).
I can only hope that they will as the more that this therapeutic advance is shown to get positive results, the less some women will have to suffer in silence.
How Do I Get Results? Laser hair brush manufacturers recommend using the brush three times a week, 10-15 minutes per use.
The lasers in the brush deliver healing, stimulating low level laser light to the follicles to promote the hair growth, and no prescription drugs are necessary for exceptional results, although studies have shown that use of prescription drugs for hair re-growth do not counteract the benefits of the laser therapy.
Low lever laser therapy increases micro-circulation of the follicle, which allows nutrients and freshly oxygenated blood to access the hair follicle with the results being a stimulation of the natural hair growth cycle.
As with any treatment protocol, the laser hair brush and any vitamins or hair products that support the laser therapy deliver results over time, with most users seeing results in eight-16 weeks.
By week eight, about 45% of users will have realized noticeable results in hair density, growth rate and the formation of fine hairs indicating new growth.
Between weeks eight and 16, another 45% of users will experience the same results as the early responders with thicker hair, a cessation of hair loss and positive indications of re-growth.
The best results are achieved if you have suffered your hair loss or thinning process within the past 7 years.
Not only is the process painless and safe, the results achieved for women and men are simply amazing.
You owe it to yourself to investigate this latest advance in technology.
Make sure you invest in a reputable company with an overall natural, health supported system for hair re-growth.
The laser hair brush will give you the healthy hair you deserve.