How to Keep Quail From Roosting in Trees
- 1). Remove all sources of food and water. Quail can jump into birdbaths and access some low-hanging bird feeders. Having bird feeders for songbirds can cause quail to hang around for the leftovers, giving them incentive to roost close by.
- 2). Cover trees, especially fruit trees, with nylon netting to prevent quail from roosting in the branches. This also prevents them from eating the fruit.
- 3). Trim the lower branches of the trees where the quail roost -- thinning the upper branches at the same time. When the tree no longer provides protection from predators; such as owls, hawks, cats and weasels, the quail will move on in favor of more hidden places to roost.
- 4). Put a large, plastic, fake owl on a branch in the tree. Owls are a natural predator of smaller birds and quail are not smart enough to realize the owl is not real, causing them to relocate.