If You Need Sleep Apnea Treatment, Get it Now
When your health is concerned, there is no time to waste.
If you need sleep apnea treatment, there is no better time but now.
Dangers of Delaying Sleep Apnea Treatment So what's the fuss? You have been snoring, snorting, and choking for years and the only issue was your partner's kicking you out of the bedroom.
You have survived them all, and so what's the rush to be checked for sleep apnea? Plenty.
If you delay, the problem will be compounded with feelings of fatigue, shortness of breath, and irritability and you expose yourself to the dangers from the complications arising from ignoring the symptoms.
It is best to seek medical opinion for your snoring.
If it is not sleep apnea, it could be a symptom of other diseases.
If it is indeed sleep apnea, delaying treatment can damage your heart and other vital organs in the body because during sleep you deprive essential body organs the oxygen they need to function and to create new healthy cells.
If you have an undetected heart condition, it can make it worse.
Sleep apnea is no longer an unknown quantity.
This is a widespread medical problem in the country.
According to statistics, 4 percent of Americans have this sleep disorder is a walking time bomb because a larger percentage of people do not know they have sleep apnea.
The profile of sufferers are individuals in their sixties, and are obese, and more males than females have the condition too.
Treatment Testing for sleep apnea does not involve blood test and the generic lab tests; however, your doctor should require you to have a sleep apnea test before testing you further.
You will undergo a sleep study or polysomnogram, which is also used to observe other types of sleep disorders.
If it is confirmed, the following treatment may be recommended -- surgery, introduction of oral devices, or the use of CPAP machines.
CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure denotes the supply of pressurized air into the airways.
Even if the patient stops breathing for a second or more, the body is not deprived of air.
To feed the air into the air passages, you are going to wear a mask with tubes attached to the CPAP machine.
The air coming from the machine is fixed at a certain pressure and can be adjusted according to your needs.
After a week of using the CPAP machine during your treatment you can observe that your daytime drowsiness and fatigue are minimized.
With continuous use, more improvements can be noted.
There is no need to take medications for the treatment, unless you have an existing medical condition; hence, this treatment is safer and affordable than surgery and more comfortable than using oral devices.
Seek Treatment Now If your partner tells you that you seem to stop breathing during sleep, wake up! It's high time you seek treatment.
You need not worry about the cost of the CPAP machines.
Check out your insurance company's policy on CPAP rentals or purchase before buying or renting a CPAP kit.
CPAP Clinic - healthcare at your home We serve Greater Toronto Area in Canada.
Contact: 1-877-430-CPAP(2727) or info@CPAPClinic.