How To Use Minor Guitar Chords In Your Playing
Have you ever noticed that many guitar players when starting out primarily use major fifth chords, aka (bar chords) and continue using them as their main tools for chord structures? This is mainly because it's the fastest way to get the ball rolling in regards to learning and playing guitar.
However, if you don't stop the limitations within your chord voicing options, you won't grow as a guitarist or as a well-rounded musician overall.
You should start by adding in minor chords and shortly thereafter seventh chords.
Just adding those two unique and different sounding chords into your playing, displays a whole new dimension of the sound you now have control over.
This is very exciting because it will expand your awareness of the differences within the sound as well as training your ears.
To be clear on how to go move back and forth between any Major and Minor chords, you need to remember a simple formula...
Major Chords = 1st, 3rd, 5th Minor Chords = 1st, flatted 3rd, 5th What that means is the 1st, 3rd and 5th notes of the natural major scale are always going to create a major chord, in any key throughout the entire fretboard.
The 1st, flatted 3rd, and 5th notes of the major scale are always going to create a minor chord, in any key throughout the entire fretboard.
How you choose to play notes, and where you choose to play those notes are entirely up to you as a creative musician.
Just know that if you stick with the formula, you'll control all your major and minor chords in any key in any position.
This is very powerful if you think about it, because if you're able to view your chords being made up of numeric intervals, then you can surely get comfortable with other formulas as time goes on.
With each new chord formula, you'll gain control over all of that unique sound in any key throughout the neck.
Over time, you get to a point where you'll know the sound of each chord so well you'll literally hear completed arrangement in your mind before you play them.
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