Merchandise Mistake No 1 - Failing to Maintain Adequate Inventory of Consumable Dollar Store Items
If you focus too much on the fun items and fail to carry all the everyday essentials required, you'll lose the return shoppers who can find everything they need at another discount store.
That spells trouble for your bottom line.
Dollar stores are fun places to find bargains and sometimes, unusual items you'd never suspect, but they're also the place many people do their weekly shopping for household goods.
If you fail to meet your shoppers' needs, you'll lose valuable return customers, a prize most dollar storeowners work hard to establish.
Return shoppers are the core customers of a successful dollar store.
It's not just return shoppers looking for bargains, but those shoppers coming back week after week for everyday items used daily, which they need to replenish.
Dollar stores that have all of these items are first stops for many of these customers.
The stores aren't after thoughts, but destinations.
That spells profitability.
You can provide the excitement that liquidation items bring and still keep your customer base if you include some name brand consumable items on your shelves.
You'll bring even the most fiscally comfortable shopper with an eye for bargains coming back every week to see what other bargains you have.
While the figurines and decorative plates may be fun and even sell quite well, they don't move off the shelves with the same regularity as discounted shampoo or soap.
While your neighborhood and demographics may be young or old, poor or comfortable, it doesn't matter when it comes to core items.
Everyone needs to wash their clothing, face, hair or dishes and you can provide the maximum benefit for their shopping dollar.
Scrubbing sponges work just as well whether you pay a dollar or several dollars and your shoppers know that.
With each shopping trip for consumables, you'll find most shoppers purchase a few extra items that they either didn't know you had or on impulse.
Core items create a continual cash flow, unlike holiday or specialty items, which may be one time purchases or seasonal.
Make certain you cater to the shoppers' everyday needs first, and then fill in the gaps with the fun extras that make your store a bargain hunter's paradise.