How To Quickly Become A Natural Seducer Of Gorgeous Women
As if some set of words will work on every girl out there, regardless of where she's from, what her religious beliefs are, or what kind of mood she's in.
Because there's a ton of money to be made selling "magic pick up line" techniques and systems and what not, many guys spend years and THOUSANDS of dollars trying to learn some mystical "Holy Grail" of seduction.
Many guys kid themselves that they don't want to talk to girls because they "don't know what to say," or they "don't know how to approach.
" Then they run home, tail between their legs, log on to their favorite pick up forum and enter their "field report" where all the anonymous folks tell them what they "should" have done.
But here's a shock, one that most guys aren't ready for.
There IS no magic system, pick up line, or even method of approaching that will work even MOST of the time.
Unless you're comfortable talking to her while at the same time no sure what you're going to say next, or what she's going to say next, you're never going to have a lot of success.
Sure, you can spend years memorizing huge patterns and "if then" flow charts and try to prepare yourself for every contingency, but there's a MUCH better way.
Your brain, and your experience.
Consider a couple of guys.
One guy buys a home study course.
He goes through it a couple of times, figures he's not quite "there" yet, and decides to go to a "live" seminar.
The seminar's packed with a couple hundred guys, and he has a great experience, but feels he's "not quite there yet.
" So he spends another couple grand on a one on one boot camp.
Finally, after about six months and a few grand, he starts to approach.
On the other hand, guy number two just goes out into the field, week after week, and talks to hundreds of girls.
Most of them shoot him down, some very coldly.
But a few don't.
After a couple months, he's got some pretty tight game, and he's actually enjoying approaching girls, even if they shoot him down in the meanest way possible.
Six months later, guy number two is LIGHT YEARS ahead of guy number one.
And he's been laid a few times, and is likely, by this time, dating a few girls that are really, really hot, AND really, really into him.
Which guy do you want to be? If you'd like to be guy number two, all you've got to do is get up there and start talking to girls.
One way to make it a lot easier, and lot more enjoyable is to understand where your fears come from.
Once you uncover, understand, and reprogram those fears, you'll be a natural in no time.