Micoley Auctions Helps You Sell Your Property
The different marketing strategy from Micoley.com (an affiliate of W.M. Enterprises, Inc.), could be just the solution you are looking for to get your property sold. The traditional method of real estate sales - the listing - is certainly time-honored, but it also ends up being cluttered. It's hard to find just the right property, as a buyer, with listings because you have to filter through so much to find what you want. So getting the buyer's attention is pretty difficult. With the Micoley.com way, your property is listed with a "sell" date and a minimum bid listed. This gets your property in front of potential buyers who are looking for just that opportunity and creates a sense of urgency in the selling/buying process.
So now you have buyers competing - before a sale date - to buy the property. They are bidding against each other, as the price rises, leading up to the sales event. This method really focuses attention where it needs to be and makes potential buyers aware of each individual piece of property that could be what they're looking to buy. It elevates the forthcoming sale above the typical real estate "noise". And it makes the buyer aware that if they don't get their bid in to win the property, they could lose out completely. This makes for more urgency in the buyer's market.
A couple of other items that help the seller are caveats for the buyer - they know up front that they are coming to the sale without contingencies and that any earnest money that is put down is non-refundable. This provides some assurance for the seller that buyers who are bidding are really interested and they have some certainty that the sale will go through to close. The seller also has the advantage of a sale that is transparent. They can see everything that is happening with the sale, and they can know without doubt that nothing is being left to chance.
You could also go straightaway to the live auction option with Micoley.com as well - they are fully capable of coordinating this type of sale and making sure your real estate auction gets the attention it deserves as well. Commercial properties can follow the same path - either the hybrid marketing of a sales event or live commercial real estate auctions. Either way, Micoley.com covers all the bases for the seller, and will help you get to a quick disposal of the property. If it goes quickly, it will rack up less maintenance costs and reduce the chances of damage from vandalism.
Now it's possible that the sales event might not result in bids that reach the reserve bid price by the sale date. That is not a cause for concern, however, because at a minimum you have an open door to begin negotiations and see the sale through to a satisfactory conclusion. You should try something different with Micoley.com and see where it takes you.