How to Send Parcels to Soldiers
- 1). Remove the batteries from any battery powered objects. Battery powered objects can sometimes get turned on during shipment.
- 2). Place the items in a sturdy box, and make sure there is room to add cushioning to protect the items. If using a recycled box, cover all previous labels and markings with a black marker or plain labels.
- 3). Write a list and description of all items being shipped on a note card. This will help locate items in case the package is damaged during shipping. Put the card in the box.
- 4). Put cushioning like newspaper, bubble wrap or Styrofoam peanuts, around all of your items.
- 5). Seal the box openings with 2-inch wide, clear or brown tape. You can also used reinforced packing tape or paper tape. Cord, string or twine is prohibited.
- 6). Address the package to the service member. Use the service member's full name. Include the unit and Air/Army Post Office or Fleet Post Office address, followed by the nine-digit zip code. Include your return address in the left corner.
Example: SGT Jane Smith; Unit 1040 Box 2140; APO AP 93433-3450 - 1). Find a charity that is authorized to send care packages to service members. has a list of organizations that specialize in care packages.
- 2). Select the option to make a donation on the website.
- 3). Select your donation amount. Enter your name, address and debit or credit card number into the corresponding fields. All donated funds will go to purchase items and send them in a care package to a service person.