Types of Scales
They come in a wide variety of styles, sizes and makes.
Bench scales, pocket scales, jewelry scales, industrial scales, laboratory scales, bathroom scales, and baby scales are some of the common types of scales.
Bench scales are ideally suited for parcel weighing, portion control, and parts counting.
They are available in many models.
These scales generally have the capacity range of 150 g to 300 kg.
Pocket scales are handheld scales that can be carried in pockets.
In general, pocket scales are used to weigh fine items up to 500 grams.
These are great for military, hunting, and building construction applications.
Jewelry scales are specifically designed to meet the needs of jewelers for weighing pearl, silver, semi precious and precious stones, diamond, and gold.
An extensive array of jewelry scales ranging from analytical to carat bench scales is available in the market.
Many scale companies offer pocket versions also.
Industrial scales are best suited for use in industrial environments including automotive and trucking, food service, processing, retail, hospitality, agriculture, railroad, engineering and construction.
Laboratory scales are yet another type of weighing instruments used by medical and scientific communities.
These are able to measure tiny objects such as dust and lint.
Bathroom scales are ideal for personal use.
Lots of bathroom scales come with advanced features.
By using bathroom scales, you can take measurement of body fat.
People can monitor fitness levels in the comfort of their home.
Bathroom scales are also used in fitness centers and health clubs.
Baby scales are made specifically for babies.
They monitor not only the body weight of babies, but also the amount of milk consumption.
There are scales designed particularly for animals.
Veterinary scales make easy weighing of animals of all sizes.
In addition to the above, retail scales, truck scales, floor scales, filling scales, and crane scales are among the other types of scales available in the market.