Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone
When you go out there to look for your ideal relationship, stepping out of your comfort zone is vital. Regardless of what it looks like for you, asking someone you like out on a date, going to a singles event or even joining the online dating site, taking those big steps will build your confidence.
A comfort zone is an invisible line you draw for yourself beyond which things feel uncomfortable to you. Some people may define their comfort zone by their apartment, for others it stretches out for a few blocks. Some people may feel very comfortable speaking in front of a large audience or even being on camera, yet they draw their line when it comes to speaking with one person in particular. Even some big shot Hollywood stars are known to be afraid to ask a person out on a date, so they have their assistants to do it for them. We all have those invisible barriers - there is always something out there we seem to be reluctant to do.
The good news about the comfort zone is that it is elastic, or it has the ability to stretch easily. It only feels scary when you are on the inside of your comfort zone trying to step out. Once you make this step, it doesn't seem so bad. Each time you step out of your comfort zone, you expand the borders of it. In other words, things that used to be uncomfortable for you before you made that step are now becoming more and more comfortable and enjoyable. On the other hand, if you do nothing to step out of your comfort zone, it will eventually shrink down to the size of your house or apartment. Sad but true. Meeting new people is uncomfortable for most, yet it can be very comfortable for those who do it on a regular basis.
It is important to stress that you do have to step out of your comfort zone in order for it to really expand. Sometimes you have to work all the way through the discomfort in order to be able to make it happen. Because, as I said before, your comfort zone is elastic, if you stop in the middle of your discomfort and don't work it all the way through, you will be shot right back to your comfort zone as if by a rubber band.
I am really encouraging you to look at this process from this perspective. Try not to focus on the end result as much. Think about the kind of person you are going to become as a result of this. Think about all the courage and personal growth you're going to gain as a result of challenging your comfort zone on a regular basis. People will look up to you for doing this. And, most importantly, you will feel much happier about yourself and your life if you keep challenging yourself rather than staying comfortable.
Copyright (c) 2011 Katherine Bouglai
A comfort zone is an invisible line you draw for yourself beyond which things feel uncomfortable to you. Some people may define their comfort zone by their apartment, for others it stretches out for a few blocks. Some people may feel very comfortable speaking in front of a large audience or even being on camera, yet they draw their line when it comes to speaking with one person in particular. Even some big shot Hollywood stars are known to be afraid to ask a person out on a date, so they have their assistants to do it for them. We all have those invisible barriers - there is always something out there we seem to be reluctant to do.
The good news about the comfort zone is that it is elastic, or it has the ability to stretch easily. It only feels scary when you are on the inside of your comfort zone trying to step out. Once you make this step, it doesn't seem so bad. Each time you step out of your comfort zone, you expand the borders of it. In other words, things that used to be uncomfortable for you before you made that step are now becoming more and more comfortable and enjoyable. On the other hand, if you do nothing to step out of your comfort zone, it will eventually shrink down to the size of your house or apartment. Sad but true. Meeting new people is uncomfortable for most, yet it can be very comfortable for those who do it on a regular basis.
It is important to stress that you do have to step out of your comfort zone in order for it to really expand. Sometimes you have to work all the way through the discomfort in order to be able to make it happen. Because, as I said before, your comfort zone is elastic, if you stop in the middle of your discomfort and don't work it all the way through, you will be shot right back to your comfort zone as if by a rubber band.
I am really encouraging you to look at this process from this perspective. Try not to focus on the end result as much. Think about the kind of person you are going to become as a result of this. Think about all the courage and personal growth you're going to gain as a result of challenging your comfort zone on a regular basis. People will look up to you for doing this. And, most importantly, you will feel much happier about yourself and your life if you keep challenging yourself rather than staying comfortable.
Copyright (c) 2011 Katherine Bouglai