Hold Em Tips From The Pros
When you're afraid of losing, you're not able to play wisely. It's that simple. You shouldn't be sitting with your car payment in front of you, it clouds the judgment. Nor should you invite anyone to watch who isn't thoroughly supportive of every call you make. You don't need that kind of pressure. Playing conservatively is known as playing your cards close to your chest. This makes you a target for the power players at the table. These guys live on the tilt and you're going to cramp their style; they want you gone from the table. You need to be able to play aggressively and make the bluffs without fear in your eyes. What sort of tells do you show when you're afraid? If you don't know, count on it that the competition does.
Students have a gift of asking the exact question you may not know and as a teacher, you're then compelled to find the answer. That question leads to another and so forth. Pretty soon you've done the research you might have lacked up to this point. It's typical that you only learn from experience, but until you've played thousands upon thousands of hands, you're not going to be presented with every eventuality. Teaching forces you to investigate what you don't already know. Consider teaching your friends and family the game. They're going to be low pressure but you'll naturally want to show off a little, so it will stretch your knowledge. Why not wander over to the senior center and teach folks who have a solid maturity and calm how to while away their hours with America's favorite card game? You would be surprised how much there is to be learned here-these folks truly appreciate a good time and can apply their wit and experience with human nature to a game of strategy.
Friends and family are the most comfortable games, but they don't stretch your abilities as a player. For this reason you need to try your hand at games outside your immediate circle. You can get started by playing some small local tournaments with small buy-ins and very moderate pots. This takes some pressure off the new atmosphere until you get your Hold Em legs beneath you. This is a great situation for developing your Hold 'Em "character." Find one that fits comfortably and stick with it. It's one more thing you don't have to focus on when you're in a high stakes game.