How to Create Diagonal Scan Lines on an Image in Photoshop
- 1). Launch Photoshop and choose “File,” “New.”
- 2). Set the document size to 3 pixels by 3 pixels,the resolution to 72 pixels per inch. Change the “Background Contents” to "Transparent," then click “OK.”
- 3). Select the Zoom tool and click until you can see the document well.
- 4). Choose the Pencil tool from the Tools panel and set the size to 1 pixel in the Options bar.
- 5). Click the foreground color swatch at the bottom of the Tools panel and set the color to black.
- 6). Click in one of the corners of the file. Think about which way you want your scan lines to slant. To slant them to the right click in the top left corner.
- 7). Move the pointer and click in the opposite corner.
- 8). Position the tool so the final pixel will be in the center with its two corners touching the corners of the other pixels. Click to complete the pattern.
- 9). Go to “Edit,” “Define Pattern” and enter a name before clicking “OK.”
- 1). Choose “File,” “Open” and select the image you want to enhance with scan lines, then click “Open.”
- 2). Click the “Create a New Layer” icon located at the bottom for the Layer’s panel.
- 3). Click the layer and drag it above your image layer.
- 4). Go to “Edit,” “Fill” and under “Contents” choose “Pattern” from the drop-down menu.
- 5). Click the thumbnail next to “Custom Pattern” and choose your scan line pattern from the menu, then click “OK.”