Periodontal Disease Treatment: A Detailed Explanation And Curing Procedure
Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease does not cause any loss of bone or tissues holding the teeth in place. When gingivitis is not treated, it can advance to "periodontitis". In periodontitis, gums pull away from the teeth and form gaps or pockets that become infected.
One of the best ways to treat periodontitis is to practice good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and cleaning between teeth once a day with floss or any interdental cleaner helps in preventing such problems to occur. You can also choose antiseptic mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine or hexetidine and use it while washing your mouth. Visiting the dentist regularly for checkups is also very important.
Depending on the condition the dentist suggest the treatment for the gum area. Scaling and root planning is a popular method of periodontal disease treatment and is advised when the pockets grow bigger than 3 mm. This method of Scaling is used to remove plaque and tartar that has formed below the gum-line. The process involves using a special instrument to scrape the deposits from the area. Modern equipments and ultrasonic instruments are used to treat the affected area. Once the treatment is complete, the teeth are ready for the stain removal.
Another method of periodontal disease treatment is root planning. Root planning is a cleaning procedure to clean bacteria from the roots of your teeth. It even prevents further formation of plaque along the root surfaces. Before having the treatment, you may need to have an anaesthetic to numb the area. You may be given antibiotics for further treatment. Healing will then take some time and you must take good care after the surgery is over. If post operative care is not taking properly the infection may relapse and cause serious problem.
Often surgery is recommended at a serious level but taking regular care and maintaining good hygiene can protect the teeth from such infections.
This is kind of gum disease which slowly affects the bone and the jaw area. Maintaining good oral hygiene and following dentist"s instructions and regular check up may prevent periodontal disease from becoming serious or recurring. In a serious stage periodontal disease treatment can be executed by an experienced dentist only.