Plato Was A Pretty Smart Guy
The holistic treatment of disease is all the rage currently. Actually the idea that you must treat the body and the mind together as one is an idea that has been growing in popularity for decades. The fact is that the roots of this philosophy go way back. Back at least to one of the greats of all time, Mr. Plato himself.
Approximately four centuries before Christ walked the earth Plato gave us the following idea. "The cure of the part should not be attempted without the cure of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul and if the head and the body are to be healthy, you must begin by curing the mind. That is the first thing. Let no one persuade you to cure the head until he has first given you his soul to be cured. For this is the great error of our day in the treatment of the human body, that physicians first separate the soul from the body."
There are those experts who believe that the majority of people seeking treatment are suffering from psychosomatic symptoms. In other words the problems that we face are in our head or at least caused by our mind.
I do not believe that most people want to be sick but I have known people who love to go to the doctor at the first sniffle. I do think however that stress manifests itself in so many more ways than just appearing "stressed out" or "losing it".
It has been demonstrated effectively that stress weakens the immune system, causes ulcers and aggravates high blood pressure. Stress can drive a person to drink, have mood swings as well as outbursts of anger.
What I like about the holistic approach to treating what ails you is that it makes you, the patient, proactive. It forces you to research the problems that you may be experiencing. You are no longer simply waiting for a pill that was prescribed to work. Do not get me wrong, go to the doctor, take the pill, follow his treatment but you do not have to stop there.
Instead what you are doing is that you are out there exercising. You are eating right and eating healthy. You are practicing meditation and learning how to breathe properly. Instead of letting stress beat you, you have researched ways to beat stress.
I believe that the single biggest reason for losing hope and suffering from depression is the belief that you are helpless. Being helpless implies that there is nothing that you can do.
Never say uncle. Do everything that you can do to make yourself a better and healthier person.
Approximately four centuries before Christ walked the earth Plato gave us the following idea. "The cure of the part should not be attempted without the cure of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul and if the head and the body are to be healthy, you must begin by curing the mind. That is the first thing. Let no one persuade you to cure the head until he has first given you his soul to be cured. For this is the great error of our day in the treatment of the human body, that physicians first separate the soul from the body."
There are those experts who believe that the majority of people seeking treatment are suffering from psychosomatic symptoms. In other words the problems that we face are in our head or at least caused by our mind.
I do not believe that most people want to be sick but I have known people who love to go to the doctor at the first sniffle. I do think however that stress manifests itself in so many more ways than just appearing "stressed out" or "losing it".
It has been demonstrated effectively that stress weakens the immune system, causes ulcers and aggravates high blood pressure. Stress can drive a person to drink, have mood swings as well as outbursts of anger.
What I like about the holistic approach to treating what ails you is that it makes you, the patient, proactive. It forces you to research the problems that you may be experiencing. You are no longer simply waiting for a pill that was prescribed to work. Do not get me wrong, go to the doctor, take the pill, follow his treatment but you do not have to stop there.
Instead what you are doing is that you are out there exercising. You are eating right and eating healthy. You are practicing meditation and learning how to breathe properly. Instead of letting stress beat you, you have researched ways to beat stress.
I believe that the single biggest reason for losing hope and suffering from depression is the belief that you are helpless. Being helpless implies that there is nothing that you can do.
Never say uncle. Do everything that you can do to make yourself a better and healthier person.