Do Million Dollar Deals With No Money
I am mentoring a young man, with the vision to create one million dollars in one year.
I thought long and hard before I agreed to do this, because I had to be sure of a few things.
Was Josh committed? Would he accept advice, and because of the time constraints, not question it? What were his motives etc.
It became clear after many talks that one of Joshs driving ambitions was to genuinely help others.
That was all I needed, and if between us we could communicate with a new generation of people that was a bonus.
I must make it clear that I am mentoring Josh, and I am not the energy behind this adventure.
We made it a rule that I would elaborate and guide Josh through certain scenarios, but he had to plant the seed.
There would be no value to me just living my ideas through a younger person.
Although at times I do get tempted.
I see this energetic powerhouse racing around and imagine myself at 24 with the knowledge I have now.
One of the lessons Josh is teaching to the people following his adventure, is that it is sometimes a good idea to ask older people for their advice.
So often the young and old have communication problems and do not acknowledge the benefits of talking to each other and asking advice.
Trust me, the older people can learn just as much from the young as the other way round.
Sometimes that comes by just enforcing and realising things that you may have done wrong.
One of my quirks is, that I learn something everyday, andin the evening I reflect on what that is.
I find that this makes me replay my day and at the end I can also do my gratitudes.
Since having a young person constantly in my life, I have noticed so many things that I am learning about today's youth.
I am also confirming theories that I have long held, about helping our youth, through a major mentoring programme.
As this adventure unfolds there are numerous things that have just become major AHA moments.
One such thing is regards the deal Josh is trying to put together now.
Six weeks ago Josh was contemplating buying a $300.
000 dollar apartment, that he hoped to renovate and earn a profit.
I asked him how many he would have to do to actual make a dent in his target.
On reflection he realised that this would not be an option to assist his challenge.
He is still very keen to purchase a property to live in as soon as possible.
Do you see the change in thought here? He is now looking for a property to live in, and that will be a totally different place, than the one he was looking for before.
Josh still thought that property could help him to generate something substantial towards his target.
I said well maybe you need to look at something a bit more ambitious.
His immediate answer because of previous programming, was I am not in a position to do that.
I said Why not.
This was my chance to teach Josh his first major lesson.
It is the DEAL, it is always the deal.
If a deal stacks up, there will always be people who will invest in it.
All you need to do is find a suitable deal and do a proposal to prospective investors.
This is comparatively easy in property, because you can secure your investors money for them.
In other markets it is a little more tricky because it is hard to protect your investors money.
Having said that though, if it is a good proposition it will sell itself.
The situation has now dramatically changed, six weeks ago Josh was nervous about purchasing a property for $300.
000 and now he is trying to put a deal together for $4million.
I know that he has some interested parties already, and he is actively doing his figure work, and producing a proposal to sell the idea to more investors.
The thing that Josh has learnt from this whether the deal completes or not, is that money will not stop you doing a deal, if the deal stacks up.
In the future when a project presents itself, Josh will not be limited to deals of $300.
Just six weeks ago if someone had mentioned a deal of $4million Josh would not even hear the person.
Today because he has removed all his old programming regarding money and property, he is hearing and seeing much more.
We can all gain something from this.
Why did Josh not have the attitude towards million dollar deals six weeks ago? Because he had been programmed to think that he could not be involved in them.
Isnt it time you all looked at things that you are not doing, because of some false information that you have been storing in your head.
Just reset your thermostats and let you mind run wild.
I hope that you all follow Joshs journey, and can get some ideas along the way.
His journey is to help as many people as he can during his challenge.
Please tell as many people as possible about the challenge [http://www.
com] Abundance to All Croz from OZ
I thought long and hard before I agreed to do this, because I had to be sure of a few things.
Was Josh committed? Would he accept advice, and because of the time constraints, not question it? What were his motives etc.
It became clear after many talks that one of Joshs driving ambitions was to genuinely help others.
That was all I needed, and if between us we could communicate with a new generation of people that was a bonus.
I must make it clear that I am mentoring Josh, and I am not the energy behind this adventure.
We made it a rule that I would elaborate and guide Josh through certain scenarios, but he had to plant the seed.
There would be no value to me just living my ideas through a younger person.
Although at times I do get tempted.
I see this energetic powerhouse racing around and imagine myself at 24 with the knowledge I have now.
One of the lessons Josh is teaching to the people following his adventure, is that it is sometimes a good idea to ask older people for their advice.
So often the young and old have communication problems and do not acknowledge the benefits of talking to each other and asking advice.
Trust me, the older people can learn just as much from the young as the other way round.
Sometimes that comes by just enforcing and realising things that you may have done wrong.
One of my quirks is, that I learn something everyday, andin the evening I reflect on what that is.
I find that this makes me replay my day and at the end I can also do my gratitudes.
Since having a young person constantly in my life, I have noticed so many things that I am learning about today's youth.
I am also confirming theories that I have long held, about helping our youth, through a major mentoring programme.
As this adventure unfolds there are numerous things that have just become major AHA moments.
One such thing is regards the deal Josh is trying to put together now.
Six weeks ago Josh was contemplating buying a $300.
000 dollar apartment, that he hoped to renovate and earn a profit.
I asked him how many he would have to do to actual make a dent in his target.
On reflection he realised that this would not be an option to assist his challenge.
He is still very keen to purchase a property to live in as soon as possible.
Do you see the change in thought here? He is now looking for a property to live in, and that will be a totally different place, than the one he was looking for before.
Josh still thought that property could help him to generate something substantial towards his target.
I said well maybe you need to look at something a bit more ambitious.
His immediate answer because of previous programming, was I am not in a position to do that.
I said Why not.
This was my chance to teach Josh his first major lesson.
It is the DEAL, it is always the deal.
If a deal stacks up, there will always be people who will invest in it.
All you need to do is find a suitable deal and do a proposal to prospective investors.
This is comparatively easy in property, because you can secure your investors money for them.
In other markets it is a little more tricky because it is hard to protect your investors money.
Having said that though, if it is a good proposition it will sell itself.
The situation has now dramatically changed, six weeks ago Josh was nervous about purchasing a property for $300.
000 and now he is trying to put a deal together for $4million.
I know that he has some interested parties already, and he is actively doing his figure work, and producing a proposal to sell the idea to more investors.
The thing that Josh has learnt from this whether the deal completes or not, is that money will not stop you doing a deal, if the deal stacks up.
In the future when a project presents itself, Josh will not be limited to deals of $300.
Just six weeks ago if someone had mentioned a deal of $4million Josh would not even hear the person.
Today because he has removed all his old programming regarding money and property, he is hearing and seeing much more.
We can all gain something from this.
Why did Josh not have the attitude towards million dollar deals six weeks ago? Because he had been programmed to think that he could not be involved in them.
Isnt it time you all looked at things that you are not doing, because of some false information that you have been storing in your head.
Just reset your thermostats and let you mind run wild.
I hope that you all follow Joshs journey, and can get some ideas along the way.
His journey is to help as many people as he can during his challenge.
Please tell as many people as possible about the challenge [http://www.
com] Abundance to All Croz from OZ