Hire a Reputed Company for Manual Directory Submission Service
There are several online portals that provide online marketing and directory submission services. One can contact a reputed company for automation and manual directory submission service. . The SEO providers perform both types of directory submission. There is a variety of SEO packages and you can select the package that covers the requirements and budget. The experts provide customer satisfaction services at affordable prices. Directory submission is further divided into manual directory and automated directory submission.
1.   Manual submission: Manual Directory Submission is a great internet tool which is used to promote the website on online business. It is an efficient way of promoting the company's website at an economical price. In this, sites are submitted to different web directories manually. It uses link building tool that helps to link your website to all major search engines. This assures important back-links primary to high ratings in all major search engines. Manual submission helps to bring traffic on the websites of the company. It is important to submit the company's website URL to manual directory submission along with social bookmarks, blogs, articles submission to article directories and press release for business promotion. Article directories and web directories have anti-spam devices, which are used to check spam submissions. Manual submission is the most efficient mode as compare to other URL submissions. It is reliable as there are little chances of error. With the help of manual submission, one can make changes in the website. Â
2.   Automated submission: it is executed by computer programs and softwares. Automated submission visits all the preferred sites and automatically submits to web directories. They are less efficient and take less time as compared to manual submission. The drawback is that your site gets submit to unrelated directories. The submission sites and directories necessities are changed frequently, and it is essential to bring software up to date. The submissions are cheaper as compare to manual submission.
Manual submission is superior as compared to automation submission. Automaton submission can damage other web directories and website. It is essential to prefer various good web directories for submitting your website links. Â