What Makes You Tick?
Have you noticed that successful entrepreneurs seem to know what makes them tick....
they know what they want and they know how to get there.
Only once you truly know yourself, will you be able to fully tap into your strengths & abilities each day, regardless of negative people and circumstances.
As an example, let me quickly give you some of my goals for which I need lots of strength and energy. It's a good idea to list your own.
Firstly, I make a point, every day, to be productive from an online marketing perspective. My focus is to become educated to the point where I am able to fully understand and fine-tune my online marketing strategies.
Because there are so many successful online marketing strategies, I needed to choose a specialist area / method that complimented my passions and personal strengths.
I decided to select something where I could jump in head first, have fun, work hard and begin to really make a difference.
By focusing daily on my chosen subject of focus (which is business principles and web marketing in particular), I am able to build a solid foundation for the dramatic growth I have come to expect.
Life is always full of ups & downs but it is your ability to remain up and focused when you are going through a down that helps you to sail through the hurdles of life.
I need to know what I am passionate about and what makes me tick. Do you truly know yourself? You can't appreciate yourself if you don't know yourself.
Know your abilities, disabilities, talents, strengths & weaknesses. Do NOT compare yourself and your achievements with others who might have achieved much more. Stay true to yourself.
Did you wake up this morning and still have the same drive to succeed as a few years back? Do NOT dilute your DREAM by disappointments.
Have a clear vision and set realistic targets. It is pointless to attempt to achieve what you do not have the resources or natural ability to achieve. Dream BIG but set small achievable targets each day.
I am confident and comfortable in my own skin. I know what makes me tick! I know what I want and how to get there. Gentle reader, now is neither the time to give up nor get complacent. It is the time for you and me to stay motivated, focused and then step up a gear.
they know what they want and they know how to get there.
Only once you truly know yourself, will you be able to fully tap into your strengths & abilities each day, regardless of negative people and circumstances.
As an example, let me quickly give you some of my goals for which I need lots of strength and energy. It's a good idea to list your own.
Firstly, I make a point, every day, to be productive from an online marketing perspective. My focus is to become educated to the point where I am able to fully understand and fine-tune my online marketing strategies.
Because there are so many successful online marketing strategies, I needed to choose a specialist area / method that complimented my passions and personal strengths.
I decided to select something where I could jump in head first, have fun, work hard and begin to really make a difference.
By focusing daily on my chosen subject of focus (which is business principles and web marketing in particular), I am able to build a solid foundation for the dramatic growth I have come to expect.
Life is always full of ups & downs but it is your ability to remain up and focused when you are going through a down that helps you to sail through the hurdles of life.
I need to know what I am passionate about and what makes me tick. Do you truly know yourself? You can't appreciate yourself if you don't know yourself.
Know your abilities, disabilities, talents, strengths & weaknesses. Do NOT compare yourself and your achievements with others who might have achieved much more. Stay true to yourself.
Did you wake up this morning and still have the same drive to succeed as a few years back? Do NOT dilute your DREAM by disappointments.
Have a clear vision and set realistic targets. It is pointless to attempt to achieve what you do not have the resources or natural ability to achieve. Dream BIG but set small achievable targets each day.
I am confident and comfortable in my own skin. I know what makes me tick! I know what I want and how to get there. Gentle reader, now is neither the time to give up nor get complacent. It is the time for you and me to stay motivated, focused and then step up a gear.