The Causes And Symptoms of Prostrate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a cancer that afflicts the prostate which is a part of the male reproductive organ. Its primary purpose is to store seminal fluid.
The prostrate is small in size, about three centimeters.
There are many suspected causes of prostrate cancer. The truth is that they have not been established and hence remain "suspect."
It is assumed that many types of foods cause prostate cancer.
A major culprit is food rich in selenium. Also a diet that is rich in fat from animals is a high risk factor.
It has been reported that men who take folic acid supplements are three times as likely to develop prostate cancer.
Hereditary is another risk factor. If ones father had prostate cancer, that increases the risk of one developing it. A person is twice as likely to develop prostate cancer if the father or brother had the disease. It is believed that as much as 40% of prostate cancers cases are hereditary.
It is also more prevalent in some racial groups with blacks as a high risk group.
Age is another determining factor in developing prostate cancer. Prostate cancer only afflicts men above 45years of age and the risk factor increases greatly with age. Those around the ages of 70 are at the highest risk.
The symptoms of prostate cancer include painful urination, presence of blood in the urine, increased urination at night and frequent urination also during the day. These symptoms are only visible at the later stages as there are no symptoms of prostate cancer at the early stage.
The destabilization of the urination system is the most prominent symptom of prostrate cancer.
If you observe any of the above symptoms of prostate cancer especially with urination and you are above 45years of age, it is advisable you take positive steps today.
The prostrate is small in size, about three centimeters.
There are many suspected causes of prostrate cancer. The truth is that they have not been established and hence remain "suspect."
It is assumed that many types of foods cause prostate cancer.
A major culprit is food rich in selenium. Also a diet that is rich in fat from animals is a high risk factor.
It has been reported that men who take folic acid supplements are three times as likely to develop prostate cancer.
Hereditary is another risk factor. If ones father had prostate cancer, that increases the risk of one developing it. A person is twice as likely to develop prostate cancer if the father or brother had the disease. It is believed that as much as 40% of prostate cancers cases are hereditary.
It is also more prevalent in some racial groups with blacks as a high risk group.
Age is another determining factor in developing prostate cancer. Prostate cancer only afflicts men above 45years of age and the risk factor increases greatly with age. Those around the ages of 70 are at the highest risk.
The symptoms of prostate cancer include painful urination, presence of blood in the urine, increased urination at night and frequent urination also during the day. These symptoms are only visible at the later stages as there are no symptoms of prostate cancer at the early stage.
The destabilization of the urination system is the most prominent symptom of prostrate cancer.
If you observe any of the above symptoms of prostate cancer especially with urination and you are above 45years of age, it is advisable you take positive steps today.