Alternative Minimum Tax
The normal tax law has some exceptions when it comes to some types of income and has provisions for credits and deductions on some expenses. These exceptions are known as alternative minimum tax and it seeks to ensure that people as well as business entities that are beneficiaries of some tax deductions, credits or exclusions remit at the least some minimum amount of tax.
The alternative minimum tax is calculated as the uncertain minimum tax over the regular tax. Thus, the alternative minimum tax is only owed if the uncertain minimum tax is much more than the regular tax. Â This uncertain or tentative minimum tax is computed as a separate figure from the regular tax. Generally, the tentative minimum tax is calculated in four ways. The first includes the calculation of the taxable income with a view or eliminating certain deductions or exclusions. The account differences with regard to certain items are taken into account when it comes to the calculation of regular taxable income as well as the alternative minimum taxable income. Secondly, the alternative minimum tax can also be calculated by subtraction the alternative minimum tax exemption amount. Thirdly, the alternative minimum tax is multiplied by the amount computed in the second step using the appropriate alternative minimum tax rates. Lastly, is the subtraction of the alternative minimum tax foreign tax credit.
It is worth noting that the alternative minimum tax exemption amounts as well as alternative minimum tax rates are laid down by the law. When it comes to net capital gains as well as some kinds of dividends, the unique capital gain rates in operation for the normal tax are used but only if they are lower than the alternative minimum tax rates that would otherwise apply in these circumstances. Additionally, other tax credits that are allowed in the reduction of regular tax liabilities are usually not allowed for purposes of reducing the alternative minimum tax liability.
It is worth noting at this point that if you are keen on finding out which type of alternative minimum tax you may be subject to check out Form 1040. When filing this form, it is advisable to use the alternative minimum tax assistant for individuals, which is the electronic equivalent of the alternative minimum tax worksheet. This worksheet may be able to tell you whether or not you owe the alternative minimum tax or in effect direct you to the Form 6251 which deals with alternative minimum tax for individuals.
If you happen to be not subject for alternative minimum tax at that specific calendar year, but you happen to have filed alternative minimum tax in any one or subsequent years, you may find that you may be eligible to take a unique minimum tax credit against your regular tax for that particular year. Should this be the case and you find yourself eligible, then you are required to fill and attach Form 8801 which deals with credit for prior year minimum tax for individuals, estates as well as trusts.