How to Save Your Own Life - Sleep Aid Over the Counter
What do they all have in common? Stories from shocked family members and close friends saying things like "He had been having trouble sleeping,...
" Every since prescription sleeping pills have been being prescribed people have been dying for them or killing themselves with them.
It is common knowledge that too many sleeping pills taken at once will kill you.
So why would you want such things in your body or in your home? Prescription sleeping pills are a dangerous fix to your body telling you that something is not right.
Everyone has a few sleepless night now and then, but when you start taking sleeping pills for many they never seem to stop taking them.
Many are addictive and most all of them will kill you if you take more than you should.
Even if you take them as prescribed they do not keep working over the long term.
Your body gets more use to the drugs, so it takes more and more and more to get the same effect.
People all agree that sleeping pills can kill you and that over time they become less effective.
If you ask your doctor for some of these pills they will be happy to confirm these facts for you.
If this is true than exactly what can you do that is safe, effective, and natural to help you get a good nights sleep? How can you get the sleep you need without the risks you don't want? Turn to mother nature for your answers.
How does your body know when it is time for you to go to sleep? What tells the brain that it needs to turn off for a few hours and give the body a rest? Melatonin.
Yours brains pineal gland secrets melatonin when it is dark and the eyes send that it is dark out.
How can you use this information to help you get to sleep? Turn down the lights for an hour or so before you go to bed so not so much light is being sent to your eyes.
If that does not do the trick then trying supplementing your bodies natural melatonin levels with over the counter melatonin tablets that are sold virtually everywhere that vitamins are sold and that is every drug store in the US.