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Taxes : Business & Finance

How to File Taxes With Dependents

In 2009, each dependent listed on your personal tax return, form 1040, provided an exemption of $3,650. This exemption reduced your taxable income, which in turn reduced your tax liability for the year. A dependent is a related individual who is a U.S. citizen that you provided at least one-half the

How Much Money Does a Demolition Expert Make?

Demolition experts, also called blasters and explosives technicians, set up and detonate explosives to loosen or move earth materials or to bring down buildings and other structures. They examine areas scheduled for blasting to determine the appropriate explosive charges and to make sure procedures

6 Tax Tips for College Graduates

Now that the stress of school and finals is over for college seniors, these recent graduates will now have to take on the stress of real life finances, and taxes. However, with the right information ...

Business Income Taxes Free Important Guideline

It's difficult to provide accurate business income taxes information, but we have gone through the rigor of putting together as much business income taxes related information as possible. Even if you are searching for other information somehow related to list of tax deductions, tax, income tax

How to Claim a Back Tax Rebate

Sometimes you may have reason to believe that you have paid too much tax due to withholding.This can happen if you have switched jobs a number of times during the year or if you work more than one job simultaneously.

A Step Ahead In The Direction Of Unanimous Gst

The comments of the Department of Revenue (DOR) on the ‘First Discussion Paper on GST’ reflect the inclination of Centre on different contradicting issues related to Goods and Services Tax (GST). On some issues the DOR agrees with the recommendations of the Empowered Committee of State F

How Does an Independent Contractor Pay Taxes?

Independent Contractors Are Subject to the Self-Employment TaxIndependent contractors are workers who perform services for clients who do not withhold taxes from their pay. The Internal Revenue Service defines contractors as those who perform services for people who "have the right to...

The Salary of a Park Ranger in Arkansas

There is a reason Arkansas is referred to as the Natural State. The state is home to 52 state parks and seven national parks. Park rangers serve these areas by protecting the natural environment while offering information and assistance to visitors to make their stay in the park more enjoyable. Park

How to Calculate District Property Taxes

You can calculate your local taxes based on property value and tax rates. The county, in most states in the United States, assesses your property value, sets tax rates and levies taxes. It can also usually provide information on how tax rates themselves are calculated among public services such as s

Tax Credits for Energy Star Products

Energy Star products are energy effecient and result in lower utility bills than standard appliances.Carlos Sanchez Pereyra/Brand X Pictures/Getty ImagesEnergy Star products are those that have the Energy Star symbol and are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These...

Taxation of Tuition Reimbursement Over $5,250

Companies commonly use fringe benefits, such as tuition reimbursements, in addition to ordinary salaries to attract and retain exceptional employees. There are tax implications that both the employee and employer must deal with if a tuition reimbursement is more than $5,250. However, employees may b

What To Do About Irs Disclosure

Such pre-emptive IRS Disclosure and negotiations should be dealt with by a qualified Offshore tax lawyers, experienced in foreign compliance and sensitive Internal Revenue Service negotiations.

Homestead Act of 1839 in Texas

The Homestead Act of 1839 served as an important legal precedent in the history of the U.S. and the settlement of the American West. Passed by the then independent Republic of Texas, the 1839 homestead act was one of the first major attempts at establishing a system of regular settlement in the uncl

Michigan Laws on Buying Property for Delinquent Taxes

The Michigan Department of the Treasury is responsible for overseeing the real property taxation process for county tax assessors on a statewide level. The department follows specific rules and regulations, pursuant to the General Property Tax Act 206 of 1893. Winning bidders purchase their properti

Filing for a 2nd Chapter 7

Bankruptcy under Chapter 7 is supposed to wipe the slate clean and allow you a financial fresh start. But sometimes for reasons beyond your control, you may run into more financial difficulties down the line and be facing bankruptcy for a second time. Multiple bankruptcy filings are possible, but fe

How To File Sales Tax In The US

Filing of sales tax is a serious matter. The seller collects sales tax on the behalf of the state and files the returns with the state each month or year. The payment of sales tax is based on the volume of business that seller conducts.

IRS Tax Attorneys Information

Before delving into the discussion about the functions of IRS Tax Attorneys, it is significant for one to gain an understanding on the concepts and issues relevant to the subject matter at hand. For this reason, I have included herein brief discussions on the nature of IRS and the definition of Offe

Year-End Tax Savings Strategies

With the year end fast approaching it's time to give serious consideration to tax savings strategies that could save you thousands of dollars in income tax. Below are some of those strategies...

Are Vehicle Repairs Tax Deductible?

Transportation expenses are a major portion of most family budgets, with vehicle repairs contributing to this expense. Even though vehicles are vital to most families, vehicle repairs generally are not tax deductible on your personal income tax return, although there are exceptions to this rule that

Places to Get a Scholarship in the Study of Orthodontics

Orthodontics students face steep education costs across the United States. Orthodontics skills are taught as part of an education in dentistry. A handful of institutions and agencies award scholarships for the study of orthodontics, including colleges and universities, individual orthodontics office