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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Human Papilloma Virus and Cervical Cancer.. The Missing Link
Cervical cancer affects about 12,000 women every year and is most commonly noted in women over 30 years of age. Not all women know that human papilloma virus (HPV) infection is main cause of cervical
Avoiding Cancer The Natural Way With Blueberries
First of all, what is cancer? It is a collection of diseases described by uninhibited growth and development of irregular cells. If not controlled, death may result. Cancer in the United States is the second ...
Challenges in Combining Novel Molecularly Targeted Agents
Find out why combining novel molecularly targeted agents is probably one of the most critical and complex challenges in cancer medicine today.
Risk Factors Using a Skin Cancer Screening Program
Find out about the connection between risk factors and presumed diagnosis in patients self-referred for skin cancer screening.
How to Understand and Treat Your Breast Cancer
Learn to identify breast pain by type and location, then treat it at home. Understand causes of breast pain and when to see your doctor. Use some easy home remedies to get relief from your breast pain.
Clinical Trials in Lung Cancer Surgery, Research Cooperation
Get a wide-angle view of lung cancer research, from a country with an ever growing population of lung cancer patients.
Thyroid Cancer: Extent of Thyroidectomy
Surgical resection is the key to management of differentiated thyroid cancer, but determining the optimal surgical procedure for individual cases has been controversial.
Prediction of Late Disease Recurrence by H/I Biomarker
A biomarker identifies ER-positive patients who are at risk for late disease recurrence after tamoxifen therapy, and those who would benefit from extended endocrine therapy with letrozole.
Colon Cancer: Risks And Prevention
Cancer: it\'s not a word that anyone really wants to hear. While not necessarily a death sentence, cancer is an illness that does have a high mortality rate depending on where in the body it strikes. Read on as we examine what can be done to head-off Colon Cancer, the third most common cancer.
Brachytherapy India- best of technology at your service
A revolutionary technique, Brachytherapy in India ranks among the best facilities around the world. With India's high-class medical services at affordable rates, the nation is favored by thou
Why and How You Are Stronger Than Prostate Cancer
You see, I agree with cancer in general and prostate cancer in particular can be and IS actually very deadly and has killed lots of people all over the world, but nothing says it MUST kill you because you have been diagnosed with the condition. As much as the condition has killed lots of people arou
Cancer Health News and Features Page
Find special feature stories and news on Cancer Health at WebMD
New Technology Breaks Through Cancer Pain
Cancer patients fraught with painful flare-ups, or breakthrough pain, may soon receive assistance in the form of a new, easy-to-use oral adhesive disc. Chronic cancer patients frequently experience two types of pain: persistent and breakthrough. ...
About Microdermabrasion Dallas
There is no telling what happens to the skin between puberty and the end of a person's life. Once hormones begin to suffuse the body, that smooth childlike skin never seems to set itself right again.
Stomach (Gastric) Cancer Screening (PDQ®): Screening - Patient Information [NCI]-Get More Informatio
Call 1-800-4-CANCERFor more information, U.S. residents may call the National Cancer Institute's (NCI's) Cancer Information Service toll-free at 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237) Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time. A trained Cancer Information Specialist is ...
Cancer Overview: Types, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment
This article is an overview of what cancer is, what causes it, how it is diagnosed and what treatment options are available. It recognizes the fact that a cancer cell is a formally normal cell that begins to multiply rapidly to produce a large mass of the same cell type (tumor or neoplasm). It explo
Properties of Dimethylsulfoxide
DMSO or dimethylsulfoxide is a simple organic product and it is obtained from wood. It is obtained as a by-product in the wood industry where wood is used for manufacturing of paper. It has many heali
Learning How To Style And Treat Hair: Making The Cut In Cosmetology School
Cosmetology students learn and practice proper shampoo application techniques and services on real salon guests. A Training includes the use of scalp massage to promote salon guest relaxation as well as proper application of shampoos and conditioners.
Metastatic Melanoma-Topic Overview
When melanoma spreads (metastasizes),it usually spreads first into nearby lymph nodes. It can also spread through the bloodstream. Distant metastases of melanoma typically are found in the skin,liver,lungs,bone,and brain. If the primary melanoma is on a leg or arm,metastases usually are first found
Role of Chemotherapy in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Alkylating agents have been the standard treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia for years, but now it's a whole new ballgame. Find out who the key players are.