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Divorce & marriage Law : Law & Legal & Attorney

Permanent and Periodic Alimony

Alimony payments are a common source of dispute amongst divorcing couples. Along with child support payments and the division of property, determining alimony payments can cause a divorce settlement to grow bitter and be extended over a long period of time.

Alimony Withheld Due to an Affair in Florida

Alimony is a support obligation granted by a court that requires one spouse to pay the other periodically after they divorce. Courts can award limited alimony to give the receiving spouse time to receive training that allows her to support herself or permanent alimony that she receives until remarri

About Family Law Property Settlement For Discontinued Marriage

In family law property settlement is possible and a person is encouraged to settle matters outside of court whenever possible. An agreement can be reached by people in order to decide how assets in the marriage will be divided. Ongoing contribution by one spouse to another may also be included in su

Cheap Divorce Lawyer: Is There Such A Thing?

While this is sound reasoning, particularly since contested divorces cost so much money, the problem is that cheap lawyers aren't usually very experienced and don't have a great reputation. Not to mention that a cheaper lawyer could end up costing you more in the long run if he or she does

How to Serve a Petition in Another City

When a person files a petition, he is asking the court for a specific remedy. This can be a new case filed in court or it can be a request to modify an existing order in a case that has already been decided. Once the petition is filed, it is necessary to serve the other parties involved to allow the

New York State Bar Association Divorce Mediation Requirements

Mediation is the process of solving disputes through a neutral third party. The third party does not make a ruling or even hint at what should be done, but rather mediates the spouses to open up the lines of communication. Similar to other states, New York has specific requirements that...

Texas Divorce Help

If you and your spouse have decided to divorce and live in Texas, there are several guidelines you will have to follow concerning the division of property and child custody. Being aware of these laws will help you and your ex-spouse to come up with feasible solutions that will expedite the process.

How to Find a Person Through the Newspaper for Legal Purposes

Newspapers are one of the most common ways to share information throughout a city each day. Consequently, they reach a wide variety of individuals, which is why they are a heavily reliable option for locating an individual for legal purposes. If you have a suspicion of where the individual is locate

Alimony Laws in Tennessee

Tennessee law contains many provisions that call for spousal support after a divorce. The court recognizes four types of alimony and can grant more than one type during a proceeding. No exact formula exists for determining alimony payments, and a judge will take several factors into...

How to Modify a Divorce Decree in the State of Mississippi

Divorces are rarely as easy or as cut and dried as portrayed on daytime television. Divorces bring out a wide range of emotions from anger to betrayal. Because the real life divorce process can drag out for months and get progressively expensive, participants will sometimes sign any document put bef

Taking Action Against Paternity Fraud

Raising a child is usually seen as a joint effort between the child's mother and father. Even when the parents are no longer together, both parents are expected to provide economically for the child. Usually, there is no doubt who a child's mother is. Determining who the father is, however

The Family Law Act, Section 79

The Family Law Act (1975) governs the main aspects of family law in Australia, including divorce and issues relating to parenting, property and financial support following divorce. Section 79 of the act deals with the separation of property in cases of divorce. A court may make an order under Sectio

German Divorce Law

Several different documents detail the divorce laws of Germany, including mainly the German Civil Code Sections 1564-1568 and the Code of Civil Procedure Sections 606-630. Further legislation is provided in the rules of voluntary legislation, the Basic Law and the Federal Constitutional Court.

Suicide Rates Higher For Men After Separation and Divorce

I'm sure it will come as no surprise to you to hear that thoughts of suicide can be very strong in many people just after a break up. In their book, "Letting Go", Dr. Zev Wanderer and Tracy Cobat, PH.D., state that as many as 80% of the people who succeed in committing suicide involve

Georgia Divorce Checklist

Divorce a stressful and should be handled in the most organized way possible.c..."ur bris?? image by Ellsing from Fotolia.comBefore filing a divorce, make sure that it is what you really want. A divorce should not occur on a whim. Once divorce is decided as the only route to go, you...

How to Petition for a Minor's Name Change

Name changing regulations and procedures vary by state. While changing the name of an adult is somewhat lenient, the court is a little more stringent when it comes to changing the name of a minor. Having a last name changed for reasons of marriage, divorce, or adoption won't be questioned, but a fri

Child Custody Rights Between Unmarried Parents

While unmarried parents do have rights, they are different when compared to those of married or even divorced parents, and when it comes to child custody, it's important to understand the similarities as well as differences concerning the rights of unmarried parents. If paternity has not been e

Importance of Selecting the Best Law Firm to Get an Easy Divorce

Around 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end in a divorce, and this generally involves a whole lot of trouble for the people concerned. This is a very important legal event that also has major financial implications for the people who undergo it. If you are planning to get a divorce t

Finding Divorce Records Online

Finding county divorce records online is useful because lots of people have many reasons for wanting to know if someone was involved in a previous marriage. They could be entering into a business deal and want to make sure there are no other ties to a proposed partner. Perhaps they are thinking abou