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Divorce & marriage Law : Law & Legal & Attorney

Filing Fees for Divorce in Illinois

There are a several filing fees for divorce in Illinois. State courts assess a fee to the party requesting the divorce. Additional fee amounts are required during the divorce proceedings. The state created a fee-waiver program for lower income residents who want to file for divorce but cannot due to

An Alternative to Traditional Divorce

We have all heard the horrible stories of traditional divorce proceedings. Couples that have spent 30, 40, or over 100,000 dollars on legal fees. Divorces that consisted of many years fighting over unimportant things like the leather sofa, or the big screen television.

Custody Laws in Spokane, Washington

Spokane courts may award joint custody if the parents live close together and show a history of cooperation.proud parents image by Robert Kelly from Fotolia.comWhen a child's parents are not together, states provide custody guidelines to help minimize problems between the parents and...

Divorce & Depression in Men

Depression is a medical condition involving both the mind and body. Depression can lead to a wide variety of related emotional and physical conditions and is a chronic illness. Depression can be triggered by stressful or emotionally challenging life events, like the loss of a loved one, the loss of

Divorce Records Are Freely Available Online

Anyone can now check divorce records quickly and easily by going onto the internet. Prior to having internet access most people would have to go into the local authorities offices in order to obtain a public record and would have also have to fill out sets of application forms and then spend several

Can You Refuse to Sign Divorce Papers?

Anyone can refuse to sign divorce papers, but this will only delay the inevitable. Divorce papers might be refused because someone does not agree with the stipulations of the agreement. If compromises are made, the agreement can be revised, resulting in both parties signing the papers. However, if s

No Cohabitation Rules on a Divorce Decree

A no cohabitation clause is often included in a divorce contract when a minor child is a consideration, or if alimony is awarded. Unless both parties agree to this clause, the judge will not generally allow for its inclusion. The courts try to refrain from placing restrictions on the parties in a

How to Spot Income Your Spouse Is Hiding

Going through a divorce can be quite difficult. Not only do you have to deal with the emotional aspect of the whole thing, but you will also have to deal with the financial aspect.

Advantages of Filing for Divorce First

Laws regarding ways to handle divorce vary from state to state. Since filing for divorce is not a constitutional or legal right, the rules are governed by each state on its own. In order to work an equitable settlement, a lot of planning and thought must go the filing process.

How to Make Your Child Custody Case Easier on the Kids

In a contentious divorce action, children may feel that they are caught in the middle between arguing parents. As a parent, how can you help them to fell more at ease about the huge change in their lives that divorce will bring? It is important to know what you can do to to ease the process of the c

About Do It Yourself Divorces

A "do-it-yourself" divorce is a divorce in which a party files for divorce or responds to a divorce without the representation of an attorney. Parties choose to represent themselves in a divorce for a number of reasons, namely cost. Before forgoing the assistance of an attorney when filing for divor

What to Do About Divorce Problems

Many divorce cases end up mired in problems and spin off course. A divorce case is challenging enough without the added burden of unnecessary problems arising. There are some strategies that you can employ to deal with divorce problems in a direct and effective manner.

Do You Know How To Choose a Divorce Lawyer?

Whatever you do, do not go to the Yellow Pages for a divorce lawyer. Lawyers should be carefully selected. Money spent in fees for a divorce lawyer is an investment in the future of your children.

Maryland Divorce Procedures

Divorce laws protect each spouse's interests when a couple separates.ring image by Jens Klingebiel from Fotolia.comDivorce laws ensure that each spouse's rights to alimony, property and custody are protected. In Maryland, one spouse can file a Bill for Divorce in the circuit court where...

Calculating the Community's Interest in a Separate Property Asset

Splitting the property in a divorce is not always simple - in fact, the difference between community and separate property can become extremely complex. What happens, then, when the community has developed interest in a separate property asset?

What Can a Family Law Attorney Do for You?

Family relationships are more often than not, very rewarding and beneficial to all concerned parties such as couples, their children and even their relatives. This can be clearly seen when it comes to deal with the natural human instincts almost everybody needs such as amicable companionship, accept

Dealing With Domestic Sexual Assault

In many cases, individuals suffer sexual abuse in their own homes from individuals whom they love and trust. This form of sexual abuse is called domestic sexual abuse and, unfortunately, it often goes unreported for several reasons. In some cases, individuals do not want to punish the individuals ab

Negotiating a CRNA Contract

A CRNA is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. The CRNA is responsible for providing anesthesia care to patients. According to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) 2009 Practice Profile Survey, CRNAs safely administer 32 million anesthetics to patients each year in the United S