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Movies : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Autumn, the movie season

Autumn is the favourite season of cinema lovers. It is when summer ends, indeed, that the most long-awaited films of the year are released.

Mandy Moore Photo - 'Tangled' Premiere

Exclusive photo of Mandy Moore at the premiere of the movie Tangled. Mandy Moore photo from the premiere of Tangled held on November 14, 2010 in Hollywood, CA.

Drive movie online stream

leading to one hell of a car chase sequence that ultimately concludes with the image of Gosling's blood-splattered face I mentioned in the opening. It's ten minutes that are as enter

Watch No Strings Attached Online Free Movie

In this comedy, Emma (Natalie Portman) and Adam (Ashton Kutcher) are life-long friends who almost ruin everything by having sex one morning. In order to protect their friendship, they make a pact to k

Amy Adams and Emily Blunt Photo

Amy Adams and Emily Blunt in a scene from Sunshine Cleaning, a comedy movie about people who clean up after murder scenes.

Alan Rickman Photo

Photo of Alan Rickman from the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Prenatal Terror: Proxy Movie Review

"Calgon, take me the hospital." © IFC Midnight After a string of mediocre horror/suspense releases in recent weeks, Proxy comes along to

Watch- Full Hop Movie 2011 in HD instantly

Tim Hill is the director of upcoming and as director of its he appears to have made sure to add many eye catching factors to Hop movie poster of which combination does the trick by managing to attract

Video Production Gear for DSLR Shoots

The majority of dSLR shooters require a light gear load as we usually do not have the luxury of a full crew to help carry our stuff. We also might move to several locations in a single day, and more equipment means slower set ups and breakdowns which can make a tight video production schedule even t

Loving English Movie News and Hindi Movie News!

When it comes to gossip, nothing excites audiences more that English Movie News & Hindi Movie News! After all, it comes with some of the craziest things and rumors that all of us thrive on. ...