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Visual Arts : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Why Use Stock Footage for Your Video Shooting Projects?

Download stock footage for multiple video production benefits. There are many professional clippings out there that can be used depending on the requirement of the script. Stockfootage or stock videos have been around for quite ...

How To Get The Most Out Of Painting With A Twist

Painting with a twist can be a lot of fun. It's where you go for a painting class that will last about two to three hours. The twist is everyone can bring in their own alcoholic beverage.

Caricature Gift

A caricature gift not only makes the person smile but also conveys how close and dear the concerned person is in your life. Caricature gifts can make for a perfect retirement, anniversary, or a birthd

Watercolor Washes

The basic building block in a watercolor painting is your wash. There are only three types of washes. Which one you use when affects the mood of your painting.

Calligraphy: The art of beautiful writing

Calligraphy is the art of beautiful writing. It is formal, deliberate, and controlled, in contrast to the informal and rapid nature of ordinary script.

DNA Canvas Printing - A New Form of Modern Abstract Art

With the current trend in DNA art printing, anyone can furnish his home with or give away gifts of unique abstract canvas art. DNA portraits refer to a digital image of your genetic code, enhanced and printed on museum-grade canvas for display.

The Production of Crystal Cup Trophies - Mistakes to Avoid

The production of crystal cup trophies can either be a breeze to accomplish or an exceedingly challenging task to finish€"not to mention costly. To avoid over-spending on equipment that might turn out to be unnecessary, ...

Peabody Essex Museum of North Shore in Massachusetts

The Peabody Essex Museum opened a new wing designed by Moshe Safdie in 2003, which increased the space available to 250,000 square feet. This facilitated the display of many artifacts from its extensive holdings. At the same time the museum opened the Yin Yu Tang House to public, which is a 19th cen

Art Prints - Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock is considered by some critics to be the leading proponent of the American Modernist Movement. Through his "dripped paintings", the artist historically broke from the conventions of traditional painting in America to introduce the modern movement of Abstract Expressionism. H

Rembrandt Van Rijn

When mentioning the greatest artists of all time, Rembrandt's name will come up on the list. Especially in the United States. I venture to guess that the most non art lovers have heard of Rembrandt.

4 Ways To Overcome Artist's Block

Many artists suffer from artist's block from time to time. They want to paint and they have the time to paint, but they just don't feel motivated enough to pick up the paintbrush and get to work. Here are 4 ways to overcome artist's block:

Painting A Series Of Landscapes

Berkshire-based landscape artist talks about how to approach a series of landscape paintings. You can paint a number of different landscapes with a common theme or paint the same landscape in a number of different ways.

Why Are Paintings or Murals Created

Vatican's Sistine Chapel, the Western sides of the (former) Berlin Wall, India, the meditation caves of Ajanta and the Mayan Temple of Bonompak have in common had in common? They are all great attractions, important ...

Mimbres Rabbit - Man Bowl

What appears to be a child like drawing on a simple shaped bowl, turns out to be an aid into the passage from life to death for the Mimbres people. The Mimbres were of a prehistoric Native American culture from parts of New Mexico and Arizona. Their distinctive pottery was not separate from their da

Role of Emotion in The Creation of Art

Ever wondered why the art you create is only mediocre? Discover why your emotions enhance your creativity. Writers, painters - indeed anyone who is creative - benefit from understanding why the chemicals of emotion enhance their work.

Cinema 4D 12.0 - The New Dynamics

One of the coolest new features in the brand new release of Cinema 4D 12.0 is the expanded dynamics. With the addition of motor, springs, and connectors you can apply forces of a more 'human' expression and add our devices to wind and gravity and turbulence.

What If Your Passion Was Artful?

We are tired of hearing this from our parents and anyone who claims to care about us. Do not pursue any artistic endeavor because you will get nothing out of it. Art is just not something practical is it? It is a nice hobby at best to kill time.