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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical

Living Healthier With Be Young Essential Oils

Have you heard about Be Young Essential Oil? It's the new company founded by world-renowned essential oil expert Dana Clay Young, and the company is taking the essential oil and health market by storm. Standing with nature, Dana made a life long commitment to always have the purest, unadulterat

Are YOU a Good Homeopathic Patient?

What makes a 'good' patient from the perspective of the practitioner?Being a homeopathic patient is very different to being a patient of conventional medicine and this article explores why.When we visit our medical practitioner (or GP)we present our problem to him/her by outlining our symp

The Most Effective Herbal Products In The World

The significance of herbal products is increasing rapidly due to their safety features. More and companies are concentrating on producing herb based medicines with the rise in demand by health conscious people who are aware ...

Reiki Certification - It Is Just a Mouse-Click Away!

Thanks to the ways you have probably been taught in school, and to the influence of your teachers and professors, you probably think that anything worth learning takes time, costs money, and leaves you bewildered at the end at the amount of information you have just imbibed. Reiki does not work like

How Chiropractic Treatment can Help Relive Neck Pain?

Patients opting for neck pain chiropractic treatment often feels a reduction in neck pain, stiffness, and a better ability to turn and move the head. Overall, they notice a great improvement in their

Over Eating - How to Deal With the Unpleasant After Effects

Over eating may be one of life's pleasures, but many people suffer the consequences. Some suffer badly from only a slight overindulgence, while others can eat a great deal before they suffer. Whichever it is for you, help is at hand.

What Is Holistic Chiropractic Health Care?

Learn how holistic chiropractic care can help you and your family have good health and well-being. Used for many centuries throughout the world, holistic care is increasing in popularity in the West.

5 Benefits Of Chiropractic Treatment

There are still many people who do not understand all the benefits that a chiropractic doctor can provide or how they can actually help you to improve your overall health.

A Christian View of Reiki

A Christian view of Reiki thus can include the idea that one of the main purposes of hands-onhealing is to help us 'clear the channel' of our perceptions so that we may more fully hear, feel,know, and

Start a Healthy Change!

Dr. Joseph Mercola [http://www.drmercola.com/] is at the forefront of a revolution - one that he hopes will spark a shift in the traditional medical paradigm in the United States. Mercola was honored in 2007 by ...

Preventing Hamstring Injuries With Chiropractic Intervention

Hamstring injuries are common for runners, gymnasts, football players, and other athletes whose sports programs are physically demanding on the lower extremities. This common exposure to injury means that most athletes incorporate preventative measures into their training program to minimize the ris

A how To Properly Lift And Carry Article-with A Twist

Lifting and carrying heavy objects is a regular part of many daily jobs. Workers are warned about the dangers of improper lifting and how to lift and carry safely: bend from your knees, use your legs not your back to lift, never bend or twist your body, etc.

What’s So Good With Black Contact Lenses?

Have you ever heard or seen people wearing black contact lenses? Contact lenses are primarily used as an alternative eye-wear to eye glasses. While eyeglasses are sometimes bothersome to wear most especially when a person ...

Finding Natural Cures That Work

Finding natural cures that work has become an obsession for many people, and understandably so.As modern medicines get more expensive, doctor or clinic costs climb, and medical insurance companies become more selective about the costs they will pay; and under what conditions.