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First Aid & Hospitals & Surgery : Health & Medical
Vitamins for Healing From Surgery
Any type of surgery can have a negative effect on the body if not healed properly. While surgery is performed for functional improvement, it can also make you more susceptible to infections. This is why certain vitamins are essential to help recover from any surgery, minor or major.
Emergency Triage Training
Emergency triage training can mean the difference between life and death for patients with a critical condition. Triage is the management of patients into priority groups depending on their condition and the resources available. According to the World Health Organization, many deaths occur within 24
Death After Groin Hernia Surgeries? How Common Is it?
Commentary on a study on groin hernia repair mortality rates published April 2007 in the Annals of Surgery
Palliative Care: Incredibly Intense, Richly Rewarding
Have you considered branching into palliative care? Learn about the challenges, rewards and contributions of palliative care medicine in this overview.
Current 'Legal Highs'
A new class of recreational drugs is emerging, known as 'legal highs'. Find out more on the most widely used of these substances.
How to Manage Minor Wounds
A minor wound can be defined as either a laceration, abrasion, or blister, and frequently can be comfortably managed at home without requiring a visit to a doctor. Minor wounds are common in children, but even adults suffer from the occasional cut or scrape. Proper treatment of minor wounds will h
Recognition and Management of Sepsis in Children in the ED
A new study examines the current practice patterns for the identification and treatment of pediatric sepsis in the ED. What are the trends?
Disaster Recovery & Risk Management
Disasters will happen, but when and how intense often cannot be predicted. Risk management associated with disasters is composed of a cycle of mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery and then starting the whole process over again. Recovery from disaster depends on proper risk management and the
Optimal Position for External Chest Compression During CPR
Using chest CT, the authors evaluated the efficiency of chest compression location during CPR. How do their findings compare with current guidelines?
How to Splint a Broken Thumb
A broken bone in the hand requires prompt medical treatment and realignment of the bone. Your thumb consists of two bones: the distal and proximal phalange. Without immediate treatment for your broken thumb, swelling can occur within the tissues of the bones. As a result, it becomes more difficult t
How to Make a Mini Tornado Siren
For generations, the tell tale, alternating high and low pitched wail of a tornado siren or air raid siren has warned residents of impending danger from storms or enemy aircraft. These loud devices, often on top of telephone poles or tall buildings, create a sound that travels for miles. Air is draw
How to Protect a Stoma During a Shower
Living with a stoma, a surgically created opening that can replace bowel, urinary or breathing functions following the removal of vital organs, requires numerous lifestyle adjustments. As such, patients might be reticent to shower following urostomy or colostomy surgeries or a tracheotomy. Even so,
Wilderness EMT Training
When an emergency occurs in the backcountry, an immediate medical response is often impossible. A person certified as a wilderness EMT is trained to deal with medical emergencies that occur in remote locations. Backcountry park rangers, outdoor school expedition leaders and others who work in remote
Negative Pressure Therapy in Acute Wounds
Concerns regarding contemporary acute wound care negative pressure therapy are addressed for this growing treatment modality.
Step-by-Step CPR
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a form of first aid that even a total medical novice can use in an emergency. Its purpose is simple: maintain the flow of blood, and make sure that oxygen is circulated through their lungs. When you're faced with a person in need--adult, child or infant--you ca
Evaluation, Diagnosis, Treatment of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
A review of the latest literature and guidelines on how best to diagnose and treat subarachnoid hemorrhage in the emergency department.
Vomiting, Weakness, and Skin Discoloration in a 9-Year-Old Child
A 9-year-old boy presents to the ED with complaints of vomiting and weakness. What's the diagnosis?
Who Are the Types of Doctors That Investigate Diseases & Viruses?
Different Doctors play varying roles while investigating and treating diseases and viruses.doctors desk image by Keith Frith from Fotolia.comDiseases and viruses have been around since the beginning of time. Smallpox caused the death of many Native Americans when the settlers and...
Raised Expectations
Are you aware of this little known revision to Medicare's rules for discharge planning and evaluation?