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Kidney & Urinary System : Health & Medical
Summary of the KDIGO Guideline on Anemia
What do the latest clinical practice guidelines from KDIGO say about the treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease patients? Are there any new treatment options and recommendations?
Warn Dialysis Patients of Transport Fraud
Medicare is scrutinizing the use of ambulances to transport patients to and from dialysis, and nephrologists should warn patients about possibly illegal schemes, says Dr Jeffrey Berns.
Probiotics in Preventing Recurrent UTIs in Women
Do probiotics really work to keep UTIs from recurring in women?
Achieving More Frequent and Longer Dialysis for the Majority
Are new wearable options for both peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis potentially suitable for all patients or just a small minority?
How to Check Kidney Functions
The kidneys are body organs that are essential for filtering and removing wastes and excess fluids from the bloodstream. If you are taking medications or you're one of the many whose diet is mostly composed of salty and processed food, it would serve your best interests to run a check on your kidney
How to Reduce High Levels of Uric Acid
Hyperuricemia is characterized by high levels of uric acid in your blood. Uric acid is a waste product that is created as your body metabolizes purine, a substance that is both made within your body and found in many of the foods you eat. Uric acid is eliminated from your body in your urine; however
Kidney Stones
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of kidney stones, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Aspergillus Urinary Tract Infections
Aspergillus is a common fungus found in the air, soil, decaying plants and in the human body. There are over 185 species of Aspergillus, 20 of which can cause infection in humans. Aspergillus infection from any of these 20 species is common, especially in people with compromised immune systems. Most
Kidney Stones-What Happens
A kidney stone begins as a tiny piece of mineral in the kidney. When the urine leaves the kidney, it may carry the mineral out, or the mineral may stay in the kidney. If the piece of mineral stays in the kidney, over time more small pieces of mineral join
FGF-23: Novel Cardiovascular Risk Marker in CKD
Why are patients with serious chronic kidney disease potentially at a greater risk for developing cardiovascular diseases? This new study explains the connection.
Diet & Cooking Tips for Kidney Failure
Kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal disease or stage 5 chronic kidney disease, requires a special diet. Incorporating the appropriate foods into your lifestyle can help block toxins from accumulating in the body between dialysis sessions. When in the end stage of kidney failure, a renal di
How to Grow Sassafras
The aromatic Sassafras albidum, "Sassafras," is a deciduous tree growing to a height of 30 to 60 feet and a spread of 25 to 40 feet. The fragrant root bark is an ingredient used in teas, soaps and root beers. This tree makes a stunning addition to landscapes with its yellow flowers, bright green, th
Intravenous Components
Whether for a single dose or a long-running medication, patients receiving intravenous fluids as part of their medical treatment are exposed to the components that are a necessary aspect of intravenous medications. The supporting components of intravenous drugs ensure a patient's health is protected
Quiz: Is My Pee Normal? Test Your Urine Knowledge
Can cranberry stop urinary tract infections? Is holding your pee bad? Can caffeine make you go? WebMD tests your urine knowledge.
How to Expand Your Bladder Control
Bladder control is what stops the flow of urine from your bladder. The inability to control your bladder, or incontinence, is not only a medical problem, but a social one. There are numerous causes ranging from infection, to nerve damage, pregnancy, and stress. To gain more control over your blad
Impact of RAAS Blockade on Contrast Medium-Induced Nephropathy
This study suggests a link between renin-angiotensin-aldosterone blocker therapy and contrast medium-induced nephropathy.
Traces: Making Sense of Urodynamics Testing
Learn more about the principles of urodynamics testing, the interpretation of results, and the application of urodynamics findings in the management of functional disorders of the lower urinary tract.
Antidepressant Duloxetine May Reduce Incontinence
Antidepressant duloxetine may reduce incontinence.
About Unrinary Tract Infections
Aetna reports that approximately 8 million Americans are diagnosed with urinary tract infections each year and more women are affected than men. The urinary tract is responsible for creating, storing and dispelling the body's urine. It consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra; each one
Sodium Thiosulfate and Acidosis: A Puzzle for Readers
Jeffrey Berns poses a question to Medscape readers: Why does sodium thiosulfate cause acidosis?