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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical
How to Deal With Neck Pain
Neck pain often results from keeping the head in an awkward position. For example your head is pushed forward with your ears in front of your shoulders. Keeping an appropriate posture for a long time will make your neck hurt.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Can Playing the Piano Cause Carpal Tunnel Symptoms?
Is it possible that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be caused by playing the piano?Or, are there other forces at work in your body that are causing your carpal tunnel symptoms?You will find out when you read this article.
Natural Migraine Treatment
This article is about migraines. It speaks about it causes, its cure and remedy.
Sciatica and Its Treatment
After suffering from sciatica for many years I found that the pain associated with sciatic nerve damage can be prevented by doing the right kind of exercises.These exercises come from a physical therapist by the name of Robin McKenzie and are known as the McKenzie Method.These exercises are not only
Back Pain Tips - How to Deal With Lower Back Pain
Anyone who has ever suffered from lower back pain knows how very painful it can be. It is a very interesting fact that four out of every five Americans suffer from lower back pain,making it quite a problem for so many Americans. In this article I will give you some tips on figuring out why you have
Light Sensitivity - One of the Many Effects of a Headache
No matter what causes a headache, light can make the pain worse. So can many other things. Here are a few tips on what to avoid and home remedies to get over the headache faster.
Understanding One Cause of Back Pain Through Podiatry
Millions of people suffer from back pain.Most of those people think there is little one can do about back pain other than ice it, take some muscle relaxers and maybe pop ibuprofen by the thousands.A significant number of them would probably be surprised to find out that their feet might be causing a
Natural Toothache Pain Relief
Having a toothache is not just painful; it is can be disruptive as well. It makes it difficult to talk, eat and even function in many cases. There are many over the counter medications sold for toothache pain relief. However, many of the natural toothache pain relief remedies work as well or better.
Heavy Backpacks Can Hurt Your Backs
Many reforms have been made by governments all over the world to introduce a locker system in their schools to avoid students from having to carry heavy backpacks at a very young age. These many international health back precautions have been adopted after the WHO (World Health Organization) underto
How to Stop Your Headaches
Headaches are caused by various triggers. A recent body of research has found some surprising triggers that can cause headaches. The good news is that there is something that you can do to bypass these triggers.
How Many Advil Can I Take?
Too many people are unaware on how to properly dose and use Advil. As a pharmacy professional I offer my advice and tips to using ibuprofen and preventing the adverse effects that come along with it.
Terrible Knee Pain - What You Can Do If You Have Severe Knee Problems - Braces That Help
How bad is the knee pain you are currently enduring? On a personal scale of 1-10, is your knee pain up there at least around a 6.5 or higher?
Night Back Pain: Causes and Treatment
WebMD examines the causes of back pain at night and associated symptoms that should prompt you to call your doctor.
Dealing Effectively With Back Pain
Throughout the western world more people will suffer a back related problem than any other ailment. And more time is lost at work due to bad backs than any other sickness or injury, and this trend continues.
Natural Health - How to Naturally Relieve Chronic Pain
Do you suffer from Chronic Pain?Is your doctor out of solutions?Are you tired of taking narcotics?There are answers.You can have hope and solutions.Read this article to find 3 natural health solutions.
Herniated Disc and Spinal Decompression - A Non Invasive Treatment Option
Herniated disc and spinal decompression therapy offers a non-invasive therapy for people suffering from debilitating back pain. Traditional traction devices that were used in the past to treat back pain have been replaced by technologically advanced herniated disc and spinal decompression tables. Wh
Pain - How to Treat Your Child's Hurt and Injury
A new study in the latest issue of Pediatric looks at three commonly used medicines for kids' pain-and found which one works best. The study looked at how well the medications worked for musculoskeletal injuries to the neck, back, arms or legs in kids who came to the emergency room.
Scoliosis and Back Pain - Symptoms and Treatments
Scoliosis and related back pain are conditions that I come across on a regular basis. In this article, we will look at types of scoliosis and approaches to the treatment of each type.