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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical
Headache Medications Unraveled
Headache medications can be frightening and confusing to many if your provider doesn't explain them. How do you know what's right for you?
The Best Sciatic Nerve Exercises That Work
Having sciatica can be a struggle if you do not take the time to cure your symptoms. Here are a few exercises that you can do in order relieve some of your pain.
Negative Outlook Prolongs Back Pain
People who suffer low back pain could be at increased risk for persistent or even disabling symptoms if they harbor strong fears that work or physical activity could be harmful or hinder their recovery, a new study says.
Simple Ways to Manage Back Pain
In general, there are a lot of possible causes of back pain. A painful back can be caused by strenuous physical activities, improper posture, strained muscles, and a lot more.
A Natural Cure For Headaches
Headaches and migraines can be eliminated by eating right. Learn how!
Migraine in the Elderly Compared With Migraine Young Adults
How do the clinical features of migraine attacks in the elderly compare to those in younger migraineurs?
5 Natural Headache Cures
In this age of medical science many of the old remedies for headaches have been forgotten. But with the modern medicines come side effects and uncertainty associated with the chemical combinations. What these chemicals are really doing to our bodies is often unknown.
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis - Do I Have It?
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis is a condition which presents with leg pain with or without pain in the lower back or buttock region. However, these signs and symptoms are also present with other conditions, in particular sciatica of musculo-skeletal origin and Intermittent Claudication. This article will lo
Low Back Pain
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of low back pain including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Headaches and Migraines - Causes and Cures
Migraine is a form of headache, which is very severe and comes with other symptoms like, problems with vision, nausea and a lot of sensitivity. Migraines are generally happen due to differences in the chemicals present in the brain.
Herniated Disc Exercises
Herniated disc is one of the most common spinal problems in the United States. Unfortunately, this medical condition can be both confusing and painful for people suffering from it. There are so many ways of dealing with a herniated and bulging disc that it is difficult to decide what is right for yo
Chiropractic Is the Most Effective Form of Disc-Related Sciatica
Chiropractic care has been seen as an effective way of the pain management and a successful way for relief from the acute back pain and sciatica with disc protrusion. According to a study published in Spine Journal in year 2006, chiropractic treatment is a successful method for reducing and eliminat
Dealing With Consistent Headaches
Some people get occasional headaches, and they are able to deal with them by taking some over-the-counter pain medication.Other people have to deal with consistent headaches, and they are not so easily treated.
Avoiding Back Pain
I'll keep this simple. There are three types of back pain. Bad, worse, and God awful. If you don't take care of it when it's bad, you can bet you are going to visit the other types. It's just a matter of time. So, how do you avoid this trip down misery lane? By taking care of you
Causes of Chronic Headaches
If you find yourself getting chronic headaches, it means that you should consult a specialist to get your self thoroughly checked and the cause of such headache should be diagnosed and proper treatment should be taken. Do not follow the method that most people follow or self medication with pain kil
Doctor, When Should I Use Ice Or Heat?I Get Confused
Ice and heat can be important additional treatments that help you recover from your back pain. Using them at the correct time and in the correct manner makes these time tested techniques work foryou.
ACL Knee Braces - Why They Help - Knees That Make Popping Sounds and Cracking Noises
Have you ever injured your ACL? If so you might have looked into an "ACL knee brace". Want to know why they help? - Here's why...
New Immune System Clue to Low Back Pain
An immune system substance may contribute to causing the low back pain associated with herniated and degenerated discs, according to a new study.
Improving Posture To Decrease Pain
Tension headaches, mysterious shoulder problems, numbness and tingling down the limbs and even TMJD are among the most common conditions that can derive from poor posture.
Upper Back Pain Exercise Will Prevent Yourself From Being Hunchbacked
If you think you're the only one who's suffering from a back pain, I tell you mate, there are lots of people who do. This just shows that it's a usual health problem that occurs to a person. Yet, there are diverse upper back pain exercise lists where in you can choose whatever you thi