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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

Are You Healing Back Pain Correctly?

Healing back pain is not always simple. Unless you use the right steps you could be heading backwards not forwards in your back pain relief attempts. Read on to discover if you are doing it right or wrong.

Causes And Remedy Of Frequent Headaches

Headaches are a common cause of suffering. It is one of the most common reasons people seek medical help. Learn more about the cause and remedy of frequent headache in this article.

Home Remedies for Ankle Pain

The ankle is made up of three bones: the tibia, fibula and talus. These bones are connected through hinges, or joints, that allow movement. The most common ailment that occurs within this section of the body is sprains. Sprains occur when the ligaments that are attached to the ankle either tear p

Some Basic Info On Different Types Of Headaches

Headaches are an extremely common occurrence for many people. Some individuals are forced to deal with them only occasionally and sporadically. Others must deal with the problem as a chronic issue, an issue that can have debilitating effects on their lives. If you or someone close to you is dealing

Exercises for Nurses to Control Back Pain

Once a back injury or back pain has occurred muscular stretching and toning is an important part of the healing process. A serious strength and training routine for the back should be faithfully executed as soon as the back is no longer inflamed and painful. Muscular strengthening exercises are impo

Pediatric Adverse Events With Spinal Manipulation

Many manual therapists treat pediatric patients with increasing regularity, and there is some evidence that chiropractic care can benefit pediatric patients. As with patients of any age, the risk-benefit ratio of treatment interventions is paramount. To date, very few serious incidents resulting fro

Bad Posture Is The Number One Reason That Cause Back Pain

Back pain is a common problem that affects both genders especially the older people and not a lot of people are quite aware that the reason behind back pain lies in bad posture. The main cause of back pain is bad back posture and a continued sense of bad posture increases the intensity of the pain,

Opioids in Headache

When are opioids appropriate to use in the management of migraine and other headache disorders?

TMJ Relief Now Using the Feldenkrais Method

TMJ relief is the result of improving key relationships within the head and neck, and optimizing the function of the jaw as it relates to the rest of the upper body. Feldenkrais therapy involves the whole body, including Feldenkrais exercises, the goal being to optimize key relationships and prevent

Pain Research and Studies

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of pain research & studies including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Fibromyalgia Treatment - The Various Fibromyalgia Treatment Options

The different options for effective Fibromyalgia treatment are still in the development stages. A few of them have shown excellent potential for helping ease the pain and discomfort associated with the disease. However each person reacts to the various Fibromyalgia treatment options differently. It

EMF Blocker - What to Use to Block EMFs

An EMF blocker is a great tool for more than one reason. As an immensely beneficial object, EMF blockers can fix several of peoples health issues easily.

Painkillers No Use For Back Pain

Australian researchers studied people suffering from acute lower back pain and found that the usual recommendations - paracetamol and ibuprofen - were no better than a placebo. In fact, the group taking the placebo recovered first.

How to Effectively Treat an Ingrown Toenail

An ingrown fingernail is a condition in which the nail grows or cuts into the nail bed followed by inflammation and pain. Though this condition is mostly found in the toenail, fingernails can be affected too. Many a times, it can occur due to inflammation of the paronychium leading to granuloma of t

How to Prevent Aches and Pains During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the time to nurture oneself. It is a time when the body of a woman goes through a huge change. Pregnancy comes with a few unwelcomed but not uncommon side effects as well. Here are some useful tips on how to prevent aches and pains during pregnancy. This guideline was made only after re

How to Ice Your Muscles Using a Bag of Ice

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make is to ignore aches and pains when they are minor. The safest course of action for keeping tears in the minor category and not allowing them to become major injury causing tears is to remember to ice early and ice often.

Five Ways to Avoid a Halloween Pumpkin Carving Injury

Hand surgeons often treat people in the fall who have cut their hand while carving a pumpkin. Pumpkin-related injuries can be serious and have permanent consequences. Don't become a statistic - learn these five ways to keep your hands safe this Halloween.