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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

Some Ways to Avoid Back Pain

Nowadays, there are many people who always complain about back pain. Most of the people who experience this are in their mid-thirties. You experience back pain because of many reasons just like sleeping in a sitting position or even lying in the straight hard floor.

Migraine Home Remedy

A migraine and its side effects can disrupt your daily routine. Migraines are very severe headaches that are usually located on one side of the head. During a migraine the temporal artery, which can be found right under the skin at the temple, becomes enlarged. This in turn causes nerves to release

Exercises for Bulging Discs

Utilizing exercises for bulging discs can be somewhat intimidating for the average person, simply because your condition can be easily aggravated. This is probably the biggest concern for someone suffering with a bulging disc - the last thing you want to do is make your condition worse. This article

How to Naturally Relieve Constipation

There are a few ways to naturally relieve constipation. Everyone suffers from constipation at some point in their life, whether it be from stress, or a simple lack of fiber in their diet. Below are some of the more effective ways to naturally relieve constipation.

Inversion Table Reviews Uncover Hidden Inversion Therapy Benefits

By just reading some medical journals one could never come across the simple facts such as the tremendous inversion therapy benefits, for example in relieving back pain using inversion tables. And if the inversion therapy benefits were mentioned, they would be buried in the scientific mumbo-jumbo, p

Ankle Sprain

WebMD explains ankle sprains, including diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Yoga For Seniors to Help Relieve Joint Pain

There are many benefits that people can achieve from practicing yoga, including an increase in overall muscle tone, greater balance, more strength, and an improvement in mood. People can benefit from yoga by developing an increased muscle tone, greater balance, more strength, and improved mood, and

Imaging Findings of Migraine

Learn how sophisticated neuroimaging techniques have allowed several functional and anatomical characteristics of migraine to be defined which may be invaluable in migraine treatment and research.

Lower Back Pain While Sitting Down - Some Tips

Lower back pain is something chronic in nature and it at times becomes completely difficult to get rid of it permanently. Though this is chronic in nature, this chronic characteristic can be brought down to rest if you...

Ice Pick Headache

Ice pick headaches are so severe they can knock you to the floor in pain. I have experienced only three in my lifetime. Two were quick and mild and one was so severe in did make me fall to the floor in pain.

The Truth About Low Back Pain

When you try to lift and carry something that is heavier than what you will normally lift and carry, you might later feel the sudden discomfort that occurs on your low back area after around 30 minutes of doing the activity. This discomfort may later progress to a pain that may initially come as a d

What Are the Causes of Migraine Headaches & Blood Sugar?

The brain is a major energy user in the human body. When it doesn't have enough sugar to use for energy, you can feel lethargic and mentally foggy as well as get a severe headache. Ironically, eating too much sugar is often what causes the steepest drops in blood sugar that trigger migraines.

Alternative Methods of Pain Relief

Pain is one of the biggest forms of stress that we humans suffer from. Being in pain, whether that is a dull ache or acute, sharp agony, is very debilitating and most of us seek any way possible to put a stop to the suffering it causes.