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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) Knumb Me Oil Review
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition wherein the space in your hand is forced to accommodate something which is not normally part of the hand anatomy. This could be a cyst, a swelling tenosynovium or other inflammatory condition in the carpal tunnel's surrounding tissues. Several modes of trea
The Basics of Spinal Decompression Therapy
Spinal Decompression Therapy is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment that can effectively treat back, neck, arm, and leg pain. There is substantial research to back up the efficacy of the treatment, and many patients have avoided surgery with decompression.
Magnesium Cure for Migraine Headaches
A migraine is a painful, persistent and sometimes debilitating headache. Although no one knows exactly what causes migraines, theories include environmental factors, changes in the trigeminal nerve (a major pain pathway), and an imbalance in the brain's chemicals, most likely serotonin, which helps
Gradual Expansion of Carpal Tunnel Symptoms
It is basically the compression of the median nerve that extends from the carpel tunnel towards the wrist that causes carpel tunnel syndrome. Diabetes, arthritis, pregnancy and hyperthyroidism are a few conditions that are often associated with this condition.
Doctors Overly Optimistic About Back Surgery
Surgeons tend to be "overly optimistic" when they counsel patients about the benefits of back surgery, a study says.
First Aid For Treatment of Back Spasms
My wife recently complained about back spasms. Because I am the resident expert in the house ( Back surgery in 2009 and months of physical therapy she came to me for some first aid for treating her back spasms. Here are the steps we took to relieve the pain and help her get back on her feet.
Shoulder Tendonitis Surgery - Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
Learn to understand what shoulder tendonitis is.Do you need shoulder tendonitis surgery? Understand how shoulder tendonitis surgery can help you.
Office Ergonomics-Using Ergonomics to Prevent Injury
Ergonomics may prevent musculoskeletal injuries (such as back strain or carpal tunnel syndrome) by reducing physical and mental stress caused by the workstation setup. By focusing on the physical setup of your workstation and the tools you use, you can reduce your chances of injuries. It also is imp
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis-When To Call a Doctor
Call 911 or other emergency services immediately if a fall or injury -- even a mild one -- has caused numbness or weakness in one or both arms, or one or both legs, or low back pain is accompanied by an inability to move the legs (paralysis), confusion, o
Tendonitis Help From Gentle Yoga - Stretch And Strengthen Your Tendons
If you've suffered from tendonitis in the past, it's depressing when it occurs again. Tendonitis is the inflammation of a tendon, the material which connects a muscle to a bone, and it can occur in any part of the body. Tendonitis is common in your wrist, shoulder, legs and hips. Yoga may
Cervical Radiculopathy Exercises
Cervical radiculopathy is a situation that arises when the injury is situated close to the root of the nerve. The consequence of this is pain and malfunctions, the shoulders will be weakened and there will be a feeling of numbness in the shoulders, leg, arms. To cope up with this condition various e
Back Pain - Do Inversion Tables Really Cure Back Pain?
Can inversion tables really cure my back pain? According to legend about 400 BC Hippocrates, the father of medicine hoisted a patient who was suffering from back pain upside down using a system of pulleys and rope. Reportedly by inverting the person Hippocrates was able to relief his back pain. But
Have You Really Exhausted Conservative Care For Back Pain Or Neck Pain Prior to Spine Surgery?
Deciding to have spine surgery for back pain or neck pain is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Even a minor procedure should be considered a "major" procedure simply based on the fact it's being done to you. Which means it should be the right decision and one that you are c
What is Pain? - Nurse's Simple Explanation
If you've ever wondered what is pain I'll explain what it is here. If you've ever had a feeling that's uncomfortable to any degree it's probably pain.
How to Relieve Gas in Children
Children of all ages suffer from gas pain occasionally. If your infant is inconsolable and can't seem to get comfortable, or your older child complains of sharp pains in the abdomen, gas could be the culprit. Pediatricians suggest a number of ways to help relieve gas pain in children. Of course, if
Ergonomic Office Furniture to Avoid Health Problems
It has been observed that a number of people suffer from this or that kind of disease because of working on unscientific furniture for long time. By using ergonomic office furniture, (mostly the chairs) this problem can be solved.
Custom Vs Prefabricated TLSOs - A Comparison of Two Approaches To Back Support
This free health information will discuss the use of a TLSO (back brace). There is a debate in the orthotic industry and among medical professionals that questions which one is better for the patient, custom or prefabricated braces. Let's discuss more in this article.
How Long Does the Flu Last for?
The flu, or influenza, is a viral illness that affects the upper respiratory system which includes the lungs, throat, nose and sinuses. Each year the flu is a little different than the previous year because viruses mutate. As you become immune to one seasonal flu, the next year you may or may not b
High Tech Posture Correctors - The Future of Back Health?
Technology is ever changing and with it comes new solutions to back problems. This article looks at two of the latest high tech products aimed at creating a healthy back. They are current state of the art in posture correction, but are sure to be followed by others soon. We look at how they work and
The Epidemiology of Obesity and Headache
This systemic review evaluates the relationship between obesity and specific primary and secondary headache disorders.