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Hearing : Health & Medical

How to Remove Element Buildup in the Bottom of a Dishwasher

Dishwashers not only save you from the drudgery of washing dishes by hand, but in some cases are more cost- and energy-efficient in the process. Dishwashers may do most of the work for you, but they require regular maintenance to keep them working efficiently. Minerals from hard water can build up o

Is There a T-Coil in Cheap Hearing Aids?

Perhaps you have heard other people you know talking about a T-coil in their device, so you are thinking that this might be something that you can benefit from. Well, although it is an extremely beneficial feature to have, it is certainly not one that you will find in cheap hearing aids. What is a T

Causes of Adult Auditory Loss and Your Hearing Center

This article discusses many of the more common causes of auditory loss in adults. A visit to a hearing center will not only evaluate your hearing level but it will also help you get the most out of life.

What Causes Stopped-Up Ears?

Thera are many causes of stopped-up ears.ear image by Dubravko Grakalic from Fotolia.comSudden and prolonged hearing loss created by stopped-up ears can range from scary to downright annoying, especially if you have never experienced it before. Stopped- or plugged-up ears can be caused by...

Cure Tinnitus - How to Cure Tinnitus in 3 Steps

Tinnitus is that strange noise you hear in your ears. It's a sudden, high pitched ringing or buzzing and it can be pretty annoying when it happens once in a while. So can you imagine what it is like if you hear this sound all the time. Apart from it driving you to the edge of your sanity, it ca

6 Ways to Prevent Ear Ringing Tinnitus

Ear ringing tinnitus is characterized by a constant ringing or buzzing or chirping sound heard by the patient that isn't coming from an environmental or external source. There are several known causes of this condition including stress, sinus problems and or prolonged exposure to a loud noise.

Can You Hear Me Now?

I'd like to suggest to my dad to look into one of the more advanced digital hearing aids. They can be made to reduce that annoying feedback that he gets, as well as to enhance the sounds he needs to hear, rather than just providing overall amplification.

What Are You Paying for With the Cost of the Hearing Aid?

Numerous factors go into making up the price for your hearing aid. Beyond just paying for the device itself, there are also numerous other fees associated with it as well a medical exam, hearing test, technology, adjustments, batteries, service and warranty. There is no way to avoid any of these cos

Who Else Wants Freedom From Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a condition where a person suffers from buzzing or ringing sound in the ears without an external source. Most people experienced ringing in the ears but it usually goes away instantly but people with tinnitus complain that the sound is persistent or constant and it never goes away. The f

Tinnitus - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Tinnitus

If you hear constant buzzing or ringing sounds in your ears then you may be suffering from Tinnitus. This "ringing in the ear" annoys millions of people every day. Often we tend to ignore these sounds because they are intermittent.

Constant Ringing in the Ears - Causes and Remedies

If constant ringing in the ears bothers you, you may be suffering from tinnitus. Most often, this includes buzzing, roaring, hizzing or tinkling sound you can hear. Ear ringing can only be heard by you and not by the people around you and it can vary from occasional to severe ringing that may disrup

How to Reverse Tinnitus

Most people experience tinnitus, or a ringing in one or both ears, at some time. If the problem is constant, however, it is very annoying and almost debilitating for some people. When tinnitus is at its worst, people cannot function properly. It is not clear why people get tinnitus. The American Tin

Cure Lifelong Tinnitus

There are many ways to improve your tinnitus. There is no single cure that works for everyone, but there may be some ways to greatly improve your hearing and quality of life. Here are some ways to do that, no medications required!

Tinnitus Maskers - A Simple and Effective Way to Stop the Ringing

If you're currently suffering from the effects of tinnitus, you're probably familiar the use of tinnitus maskers as a method to cover up the ringing sounds. A lot of people make use these tinnitus maskers as a way of helping them fall asleep at night, unwind throughout the day, as well as

Natural Tinnitus Cure - The Power of Your Brain

Is there a free natural cure for tinnitus? There is no tinnitus cure available available yet, however you can help relieve your symptoms and beat your tinnitus by making the right choices. A large number of people suffer from tinnitus; at least 50 to 66 million people suffer from this condition. Man

A Closer Look at the Different Types of Tinnitus

One increasingly growing health condition in the contemporary healthcare milieu is tinnitus and its drastic symptoms. This ringing in the ears problem is actually a global phenomenon which is seemingly relentless and recurrent. Learn more about the different types of tinnitus and the various treatme

What Is Rotational Vertigo?

Rotational vertigo is a type of dizziness that induces a spinning or moving feeling. While neither the body nor its surroundings are moving, vertigo creates the illusion that they are.

Common Causes of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is something nearly everyone experiences at one time in his or her life whether it is permanent or temporary. Loud noise and age are the most common contributors to both permanent and temporary loss of hearing. Noise induced hearing loss develops due to damage to the cochlea, a part of