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Jokes & Riddles & Humor : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Howard Dean Explodes

Howard Dean's head explodes as he screams at supporters following his third-place finish in Iowa.

Right-Wing Paranoia

A political cartoon about right-wing fears about President Obama.

Chelsea Handler - Biography

Read a biography of comedian, talk show host and author Chelsea Handler, host of Chelsea Lately on E! and star of Are You There Chelsea on NBC.

One good look at the Good Book

I very seldom get lost when I am going somewhere. That is, unless your definition of seldom is every time I need to find a new place. Then all options are out the car window. ...

WordPress Theme ADHD

According to Google Health: "ADHD is a problem with inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity, or a combination. For these problems to be diagnosed as ADHD, they must be out of the normal range for the child's age and development." I sometimes have this problem (not nearly as bad as

Home Owner's Plight (I'm Not Handy)

I own a house. And like most houses, it occasionally needs routine maintenance. Well routine for most people. However, there is nothing routine about maintenance, when I am involved. Most people think that I am a pretty intelligent person (people who don't know me well anyway), but I just can&a

Bush's Letterman Gaffe

While appearing on the David Letterman show, George W. Bush wipes his glasses on the shirt of Letterman's assistant during a commercial break.

Make People Laugh When You Study Standup Comedy

Standup comedy can be punishing so you should make certain your viewers are having a fun time even if you are not actually feeling good. Whether you are sick or healthy, happy or sad, lively or sleepy, it will be your ultimate job to get people to laugh.

Are You a Practical Joker?

With the economic downturn, the war and uncertain future these are stressful times.80% of Americans say they are stressed out.This is a good time for a practical jokers to help relieve stress with gag gifts and practical jokes.

Go Online Sites and get best Happy Love Quotes

The feeling of loneliness or missing some one is really very sad.The feeling of loneliness or missing some one is really very sad. When you love someone, whether he/ she are your loved one or true fri

Bush Iraq Surge

An editorial cartoon about Bush's Iraq surge.

Sony Vgp-bps9a/b

Pese a que constantemente lanza nuevos equipos al mercado, MSIToshiba PA3732U-1BAS no pierde de vista su prestigiosa línea de portátiles clásicas. Es precisamente por ello que hoy se enorgullece en presentar el nuevo modelo CX620MX, un notebook con pantalla de 15,6 pulgadas y di

Top 5 Things That Can Drive You Crazy

When the finances are tight, the stress level rises like a thermometer left outside on a Summers day. Money has a way of magnifying your situation because most problems can be solved with a few more dollars. You're tired.